Part 718 - Provisions Applicable to Multiple Programs  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 718.1 - Applicability.
§ 718.2 - Definitions.
§ 718.3 - State committee responsibilities.
§ 718.4 - Authority for farm entry and providing information.
§ 718.5 - Rule of fractions.
§ 718.6 - Controlled substance.
§ 718.7 - Furnishing maps.
§ 718.8 - Administrative county and servicing FSA county office.
§ 718.9 - Signature requirements.
§ 718.10 - Time limitations.
§ 718.11 - Disqualification due to Federal crop insurance violation.
§ 718.12 - Furnishing maps.
Subpart B - Determination of Acreage and Compliance
§ 718.101 - Measurements.
§ 718.102 - Acreage reports.
§ 718.103 - Prevented planted and failed acreage.
§ 718.104 - Late-filed and revised acreage reports.
§ 718.105 - Tolerances and adjustments.
§ 718.106 - Non-compliance and false acreage reports.
§ 718.107 - Acreages.
§ 718.108 - Measuring acreage including skip row acreage.
§ 718.109 - Deductions.
§ 718.110 - Adjustments.
§ 718.111 - Notice of measured acreage.
§ 718.112 - Redetermination.
Subpart C - Reconstitution of Farms, Allotments, Quotas, and Base Acres
§ 718.201 - Farm constitution.
§ 718.202 - Determining the land constituting a farm.
§ 718.203 - County committee action to reconstitute a farm.
§ 718.204 - Reconstitution of base acres.
§ 718.205 - Substantive change in farming operation, and changes in related legal entities.
§ 718.206 - Determining farms, tracts, and base acres when reconstitution is made by division.
§ 718.207 - Determining base acres when reconstitution is made by combination.
§ 718.208 - Exempting Federal prison farms and Federal wildlife refuges.
§ 718.209 - Transfer of allotments and quotas—State public lands.
Subpart D - Equitable Relief From Ineligibility
§ 718.301 - Applicability.
§ 718.302 - Definitions and abbreviations.
§ 718.303 - Reliance on incorrect actions or information.
§ 718.304 - Failure to fully comply.
§ 718.305 - Forms of relief.
§ 718.306 - Finality.
§ 718.307 - Special relief approval authority for State Executive Directors.