§ 779.24 - Maps: General requirements.  

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  • § 779.24 What maps, plans, and cross-sections must I submit with my permit application?

    (a) In addition to the maps, plans, and information required by other sections of this part, your permit application must include maps and, when appropriate, plans and cross-sections showing -


    Maps: General requirements.

    The permit application shall include maps showing -

    (a) All boundaries of lands and names of present owners of record of those lands, both surface and subsurface, included in or contiguous to the


    permit area





    b) The boundaries of land within the proposed permit area upon which

    you have

    the applicant has the legal right to enter and begin surface mining activities





    c) The boundaries of all areas

    that you anticipate affecting

    proposed to be affected over the estimated total life of the proposed surface mining activities, with a description of


    size, sequence, and timing of the mining of


    sub-areas for which

    you anticipate seeking additional permits or expansion of an existing permit in the future. (4

    it is anticipated that additional permits will be sought;

    (d) The location

    and current use

    of all buildings on

    the proposed permit area or

    and within 1,000 feet of the proposed permit area

    . (5

    , with identification of the current use of the buildings;

    (e) The location of surface and

    subsurface manmade

    sub-surface man-made features within, passing through, or passing over the proposed permit area, including, but not limited to

    , highways,

    major electric transmission lines, pipelines,

    constructed drainageways, irrigation ditches,

    and agricultural drainage tile fields





    f) The location and boundaries of any proposed reference areas for determining the success of revegetation


    (7) The location and ownership of existing wells, springs, and other groundwater resources within the proposed permit and adjacent areas. You may provide ownership information in a table cross-referenced to a map if approved by the regulatory authority.

    (8) The location and depth (if available) of each water well within the proposed permit and adjacent areas. You may provide information concerning depth in a table cross-referenced to a map if approved by the regulatory authority.

    (9) The name, location, ownership, and description of all surface-water bodies and features, such as perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams


    ponds, lakes, and other impoundments; wetlands; and natural drainageways, within the proposed permit and adjacent areas. To the extent appropriate, you may provide this information in a table cross-referenced to a map if approved by the regulatory authority. (10

    (g) The locations of water supply intakes for current users of surface water flowing into,


    out of, and within a hydrologic area defined by the regulatory authority

    . (11) The location of any public water supplies and the extent of any associated wellhead protection zones located within one-half mile


    measured horizontally, of the proposed permit area. Both you and the regulatory authority must keep this information confidential when required by state law or when otherwise necessary for safety and security purposes and protection of the integrity of public water supplies.

    (12) The location of all existing and proposed discharges to any surface-water body within the proposed permit and adjacent areas.

    (13) The location of any discharge into or from an active, inactive, or abandoned surface or underground mine, including, but not limited to, a mine-water treatment or pumping facility, that is hydrologically connected to the site of the proposed operation or that is located within one-half mile, measured horizontally, of the proposed permit area.


    and those surface waters which will receive discharges from affected areas in the proposed permit area;

    (h) Each public road located in or within 100 feet of the proposed permit area





    i) The boundaries of any public park and locations of any cultural or historical resources listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and known archeological sites within the permit and adjacent areas.



    j) Each cemetery that is located in or within 100 feet of the proposed permit area.



    k) Any land within the proposed permit area which is within the boundaries of any units of the National System of Trails or the Wild and Scenic Rivers System, including study rivers designated under section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act


    ; and


    18) The elevations, locations, and geographic coordinates of test borings and core samplings. You may provide this information in a table cross-referenced to a map if approved

    l) Other relevant information required by the regulatory authority.

    (19) The location and extent of any subsurface water encountered within the proposed permit and adjacent areas. This information must include, but is not limited to, the elevation of the water table, the areal and vertical distribution of aquifers, and maximum and minimum variations in hydraulic head in different aquifers. You must provide this information on appropriately-scaled cross-sections or maps, in a narrative, or a combination of these methods, whichever format best displays this information to the satisfaction of the regulatory authority.

    (20) The elevations, locations, and geographic coordinates of monitoring stations used to gather data on water quality and quantity and on fish and wildlife in preparation of the application. You may provide this information in a table cross-referenced to a map if approved by the regulatory authority.

    (21) The nature, depth, thickness, and commonly used names of the coal seams to be mined.

    (22) Any coal crop lines within the permit and adjacent areas and the strike and dip of the coal to be mined.

    (23) The location and extent of known workings of active, inactive, or abandoned underground mines within or underlying the proposed permit and adjacent areas.

    (24) Any underground mine openings to the surface within the proposed permit and adjacent areas.

    (25) The location and extent of existing or previously surface-mined areas within the proposed permit area.

    (26) The location and dimensions of existing areas of spoil, coal mine waste, noncoal mine waste disposal sites, dams, embankments, other impoundments, and water treatment facilities within the proposed permit area.

    (27) The location and, if available, the depth of all gas and oil wells within the proposed permit and adjacent areas. You must identify the lateral extent of the well bores unless that information is confidential under state law. You may provide information concerning well depth in a table cross-referenced to a map if approved by the regulatory authority.

    (28) Other relevant information required by the regulatory authority.

    (b) Maps, plans, and cross-sections required by paragraph (a) of this section must be -

    (1) Prepared by, or under the direction of, and certified by a qualified registered professional engineer, a professional geologist, or in any state that authorizes land surveyors to prepare and certify such maps, plans, and cross-sections, a qualified registered professional land surveyor, with assistance from experts in related fields such as landscape architecture.

    (2) Updated when required by the regulatory authority.

    (c) The regulatory authority may require that you submit the materials required by this section in a digital format that includes all necessary metadata.

    [44 FR 15354, Mar. 13, 1979; 44 FR 49685, Aug. 24, 1979, as amended at 45 FR 51550, Aug. 4, 1980; 48 FR 14822, Apr. 5, 1983; 52 FR 4262, Feb. 10, 1987; 81 FR 93327, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54948, Nov. 17, 2017]