Part 335 - Rules of Practice Governing Proceedings Under the Federal Meat Inspection Act  

Subpart A - Criminal Violations
§ 335.1 - Scope and applicability of rules of practice.
§ 335.40 - Opportunity for presentation of views before report of criminal violations.
Subpart B - Supplemental Rules of Practice
§ 335.10 - Refusal or withdrawal of inspection service under section 401 of the Act.
§ 335.11 - Withdrawal of inspection service for failure of an establishment to destroy any condemned carcass or part thereof or any condemned meat or meat food product.
§ 335.12 - Withholding use of marking, labeling, or containers from use under section 7 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act.
§ 335.13 - Refusal or withdrawal of inspection service under the Federal Meat Inspection Act for failure to maintain sanitary conditions.
Subpart C - Rules Applicable to Suspension of Assignment of Inspectors for Threats to Forcibly Assault or Forcible Assault, Intimidation or Interference With Any Inspection Service Employee
§ 335.20 - Notification to operator of establishment of incident.
§ 335.21 - Procedure upon failure of operator of establishment to take action required by 305.5(b) of the regulations.
Subpart D - Rules Applicable to Suspension of Assignment of Inspectors Under Section 3(b) of the Federal Meat Inspection Act
§ 335.30 - Suspension of the assignment of inspectors under section 3(b) of the Act.
§ 335.31 - Written notification to operator of establishment of incident.
§ 335.32 - Procedure upon receipt of the establishment answer.
Subpart E - Criminal Violations