Part 140 - Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 140.1 - Purpose.
§ 140.2 - Scope.
§ 140.3 - Definitions.
§ 140.4 - Interpretations.
§ 140.5 - Communications.
§ 140.6 - Reports.
§ 140.7 - Fees.
§ 140.8 - Specific exemptions.
§ 140.9 - Modification of indemnity agreements.
§ 140.9a - Information collection requirements: OMB approval.
Subpart B - Provisions Applicable Only to Applicants and Licensees Other Than Federal Agencies and Nonprofit Educational Institutions
§ 140.10 - Scope.
§ 140.11 - Amounts of financial protection for certain reactors.
§ 140.12 - Amount of financial protection required for other reactors.
§ 140.13 - Amount of financial protection required of certain holders of construction permits and combined licenses under 10 CFR part 52.
§ 140.14 - Types of financial protection.
§ 140.15 - Proof of financial protection.
§ 140.16 - Commission review of proof of financial protection.
§ 140.17 - Special provisions applicable to licensees furnishing financial protection in whole or in part in the form of liability insurance.
§ 140.18 - Special provisions applicable to licensees furnishing financial protection in whole or in part in the form of adequate resources.
§ 140.19 - Failure by licensees to maintain financial protection.
§ 140.20 - Indemnity agreements and liens.
§ 140.21 - Licensee guarantees of payment of deferred premiums.
§ 140.22 - Commission guarantee and reimbursement agreements.
§ 140.13a - Amount of financial protection required for plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plants.
§ 140.13b - Amount of liability insurance required for uranium enrichment facilities.
Subpart C - Provisions Applicable Only to Federal Agencies
§ 140.51 - Scope.
§ 140.52 - Indemnity agreements.
Subpart D - Provisions Applicable Only to Nonprofit Educational Institutions
§ 140.71 - Scope.
§ 140.72 - Indemnity agreements.
Subpart E - Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrences
§ 140.81 - Scope and purpose.
§ 140.82 - Procedures.
§ 140.83 - Determination of extraordinary nuclear occurrence.
§ 140.84 - Criterion I - Substantial discharge of radioactive material or substantial radiation levels offsite.
§ 140.85 - Criterion II - Substantial damages to persons offsite or property offsite.
Subpart F - Violations
§ 140.87 - Violations.
§ 140.89 - Criminal penalties.
Appendixes to Part 140
§ 140.96 - Appendix F - Indemnity locations.
§ 140.107 - Appendix G - Form of indemnity agreement with licensees processing plutonium for use in plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plants and furnishing insurance policies as proof of financial protection.
§ 140.108 - Appendix H - Form of indemnity agreement with licensees possessing plutonium for use in plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plants and furnishing proof of financial protection in the form of the licensee's resources.
§ 140.109 - Appendix I.
Appendixes to Part 140
§ 140.91 - Appendix A - Form of nuclear energy liability policy for facilities.
§ 140.92 - Appendix B - Form of indemnity agreement with licensees furnishing insurance policies as proof of financial protection.
§ 140.93 - Appendix C - Form of indemnity agreement with licensees furnishing proof of financial protection in the form of licensee's resources.
§ 140.94 - Appendix D - Form of indemnity agreement with Federal agencies.
§ 140.95 - Appendix E - Form of indemnity agreement with nonprofit educational institutions.