Part 420 - State Energy Program  

Subpart A - General Provisions for State Energy Program Financial Assistance
§ 420.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 420.2 - Definitions.
§ 420.3 - Administration of financial assistance.
§ 420.4 - Technical assistance.
§ 420.5 - Reports.
§ 420.6 - Reference standards.
Subpart B - Formula Grant Procedures
§ 420.10 - Purpose.
§ 420.11 - Allocation of funds among the States.
§ 420.12 - State matching contribution.
§ 420.13 - Annual State applications and amendments to State plans.
§ 420.14 - Review and approval of annual State applications and amendments to State plans.
§ 420.15 - Annual State applications and amendments to State plans.
§ 420.16 - Extensions for compliance with required program activities.
§ 420.17 - Optional elements of State Energy Program plans.
§ 420.18 - Expenditure prohibitions and limitations.
§ 420.19 - Administrative review.
Subpart C - Implementation of Special Projects Financial Assistance
§ 420.30 - Purpose and scope.
§ 420.31 - Notice of availability.
§ 420.32 - Program guidance/solicitation.
§ 420.33 - Application requirements.
§ 420.34 - Matching contributions or cost-sharing.
§ 420.35 - Application evaluation.
§ 420.36 - Evaluation criteria.
§ 420.37 - Selection.
§ 420.38 - Special projects expenditure prohibitions and limitations.