§ 719.34 - What documentation must the contractor provide to Department Counsel when it seeks permission to enter a settlement agreement?  

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  • § 719.34 What documentation must the contractor provide to Department Counsel when it seeks permission to enter a settlement agreement?

    The contractor must provide a written statement to the Department Counsel that includes the following information, as applicable:

    (a) The amount of any proposed monetary settlement payment.

    (b) Titles and docket numbers associated with the case(s) for which the contractor is seeking approval to settle;

    (c) The procedural history of the case(s) or issue(s);

    (d) A narrative description of the legal claims or allegations at issue in the matter and any background information that explains events that precipitated the initiation of the matter;

    (e) A description of the history of the settlement discussions;

    (f) A description of the terms of the proposed settlement agreement or requested settlement authority and the rationale for the contractor entering into the proposed agreement;

    (g) If the proposed total monetary settlement amount would be allocated among multiple plaintiffs, a list of the plaintiffs and the amount of money each would receive pursuant to the proposed settlement agreement as well as an explanation as to why the settlement amount is different for any particular plaintiff, if appropriate;

    (h) A description as to why settlement of the matter is in the best interest of the Department; and

    (i) Any additional supporting documents requested by Department Counsel.