Part 215 - Loans to Executive Officers, Directors, and Principal Shareholders of Member Banks (Regulation O)  

§ 215.1 - Authority, purpose, and scope.
§ 215.2 - Definitions.
§ 215.3 - Extension of credit.
§ 215.4 - General prohibitions.
§ 215.5 - Additional restrictions on loans to executive officers of member banks.
§ 215.6 - Prohibition on knowingly receiving unauthorized extension of credit.
§ 215.7 - Extensions of credit outstanding on March 10, 1979.
§ 215.8 - Records of member banks.
§ 215.9 - Disclosure of credit from member banks to executive officers and principal shareholders.
§ 215.10 - Reporting requirement for credit secured by certain bank stock.
§ 215.11 - Civil penalties.
§ 215.12 - Application to savings associations.
Subpart A - Loans by Member Banks to Their Executive Officers, Directors, and Principal Shareholders
§ 215.13 - Civil penalties.
Appendix - Section 5200 of the Revised Statutes Total Loans and Extensions of Credit
Appendix to Subpart A of Part 215 - Section 5200 of the Revised Statutes Total Loans and Extensions of Credit
Subpart B - Reports on Indebtedness of Executive Officers and Principal Shareholders to Correspondent Banks
§ 215.20 - Authority, purpose, and scope.
§ 215.21 - Definitions.
§ 215.22 - Report by executive officers and principal shareholders.
§ 215.23 - Disclosure of credit from correspondent banks to executive officers and principal shareholders.
Appendix to Part 215 - Section 5200 of the Revised Statutes Total Loans and Extensions of Credit