§ 960.12 - Remedial actions for noncompliance.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Repayment of subsidies by members—(1) Noncompliance by member. A member shall repay to the Bank the amount of any subsidies (plus interest, if appropriate) that, as a result of the member's actions or omissions, is not used in compliance with the terms of the application for the subsidy, as approved by the Bank, and the requirements of this part, unless:

    (i) The member cures the noncompliance within a reasonable period of time; or

    (ii) The circumstances of noncompliance are eliminated through a modification of the terms of the application for the subsidy pursuant to §§ 960.7 or 960.9.

    (2) Noncompliance by project sponsors or owners—(i) Duty to recover subsidies. A member shall recover from the sponsor of an owner-occupied project or the owner of a rental project and repay to the Bank the amount of any subsidies (plus interest, if appropriate) that, as a result of the sponsor's or owner's actions or omissions, is not used in compliance with the terms of the application for the subsidy, as approved by the Bank, and the requirements of this part, unless:

    (A) The sponsor or owner cures the noncompliance within a reasonable period of time; or

    (B) The circumstances of noncompliance are eliminated through a modification of the terms of the application for the subsidy pursuant to §§ 960.7 or 960.9.

    (ii) Limitation on duty to recover subsidies. The member shall not be liable to the Bank for the return of amounts that cannot be recovered from the project sponsor or owner through reasonable collection efforts by the member.

    (b) Repayment of subsidies by project sponsors or owners. A sponsor of an owner-occupied project and the owner of a rental project shall repay to the member the amount of any subsidies (plus interest, if appropriate) that, as a result of the sponsor's or owner's actions or omissions, is not used in compliance with the terms of the application for the subsidy, as approved by the Bank, and the requirements of this part, unless:

    (1) The sponsor or owner cures the noncompliance within a reasonable period of time; or

    (2) The circumstances of noncompliance are eliminated through a modification of the terms of the application for the subsidy pursuant to §§ 960.7 or 960.9.

    (c) Requirements for Banks—(1) Duty to recover subsidies. A Bank shall recover from a member:

    (i) The amount of any subsidies (plus interest, if appropriate) that, as a result of the member's actions or omissions, is not used in compliance with the terms of the application for the subsidy, as approved by the Bank, and the requirements of this part; and

    (ii) The amount of any subsidies recovered by a member from the sponsor of an owner-occupied project or the owner of a rental project pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

    (2) Settlements. A Bank may enter into an agreement or other arrangement with a member for the purpose of settling claims against the member for repayment of subsidies. If a Bank enters into a settlement that results in the return of a sum that is less than the full amount of any AHP subsidy that is not used in compliance with the terms of the application for the subsidy, as approved by the Bank, and the requirements of this part, the Bank may be required by the Finance Board to reimburse its AHP fund in the amount of any shortfall under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, unless:

    (i) The Bank has sufficient documentation showing that the sum agreed to be repaid under the settlement is reasonably justified, based on the facts and circumstances of the noncompliance (including the degree of culpability of the noncomplying parties and the extent of the Bank's recovery efforts); or

    (ii) The Bank obtains a determination from the Board of Directors that the sum agreed to be repaid under the settlement is reasonably justified, based on the facts and circumstances of the noncompliance (including the degree of culpability of the noncomplying parties and the extent of the Bank's recovery efforts).

    (3) Reimbursement of AHP fund. The Finance Board may order a Bank to reimburse its AHP fund in an appropriate amount upon determining that:

    (i) As a result of the Bank's actions or omissions, AHP subsidy is not used in compliance with the terms of the application for the subsidy, as approved by the Bank, and the requirements of this part; or

    (ii) The Bank has failed to recover AHP subsidy from a member pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and has not shown such failure is reasonably justified, considering factors such as the extent of the Bank's recovery efforts.

    (d) Parties to enforcement proceedings. A Bank, in its AHP implementation plan, may provide for a member, project sponsor, or project owner to enter into a written agreement with a Bank under which such member, sponsor, or owner consents to be a party to any enforcement proceeding initiated by the Finance Board regarding the repayment of AHP subsidies received by such member, sponsor, or owner, or the suspension or debarment of such parties, provided that the member, sponsor, or owner has agreed to be bound by the Finance Board's final determination in the enforcement proceeding.

    (e) Use of repaid subsidies. Amounts repaid to a Bank pursuant to this section, including any interest, shall be made available for other AHP-eligible projects.

    (f) Suspension and debarment—(1) At a Bank's initiative. A Bank may suspend or debar a member, project sponsor, or owner from participation in the Program if such party shows a pattern of noncompliance, or engages in a single instance of flagrant noncompliance, with the terms of an application for AHP subsidy or the requirements of this part.

    (2) At the Finance Board's initiative. The Finance Board may order a Bank to suspend or debar a member, project sponsor, or owner from participation in the Program if such party shows a pattern of noncompliance, or engages in a single instance of flagrant noncompliance, with the terms of an application for AHP subsidy or the requirements of this part.

    (g) Transfer of Program administration. Without limitation on other remedies, the Finance Board, upon determining that a Bank has engaged in mismanagement of its Program, may designate another Bank to administer all or a portion of the first Bank's annual AHP contribution, for the benefit of the first Bank's members, under such terms and conditions as the Finance Board may prescribe.

    (h) Finance Board actions under this section. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section, actions taken by the Finance Board pursuant to this section shall be subject to the Finance Board's Procedures for Review of Disputed Supervisory Determinations.