Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance |
Chapter III - Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce |
Part 307 - Economic Adjustment Assistance Investments |
Subpart B - Revolving Loan Fund Program |
§ 307.16 - Risk Analysis System.
§ 307.16 Effective utilization of Revolving Loan Funds.
(a) Loan closing and disbursement schedule.
(1) RLF loan activity must be sufficient to draw down Grant funds in accordance with the schedule prescribed in the award conditions for loan closings and disbursements to eligible RLF borrowers. The schedule usually requires that the RLF Recipient lend the entire amount of the initial RLF Capital base within three years of the Grant award.
(2) If an RLF Recipient fails to meet the prescribed lending schedule, EDA may de-obligate the non-disbursed balance of the RLF Grant. EDA may allow exceptions where:
(i) Closed Loans approved prior to the schedule deadline will commence and complete disbursements within 45 days of the deadline;
(ii) Closed Loans have commenced (but not completed) disbursement obligations prior to the deadline; or
(iii) EDA has approved a time schedule extension pursuant to § 307.16(b).
(b) Time schedule extensions.
(1) RLF Recipients shall promptly inform EDA in writing of any condition that may adversely affect their ability to meet the prescribed schedule deadlines. RLF Recipients must submit a written request to EDA for continued use of Grant funds beyond a missed deadline for disbursement of RLF funds. RLF Recipients must provide good reason for the delay in their extension requests by demonstrating that:
(i) The delay was unforeseen or beyond the control of the RLF Recipient;
(ii) The financial need for the RLF still exists;
(iii) The current and planned use and the anticipated benefits of the RLF will remain consistent with the current CEDS and the RLF Plan; and
(iv) The proposal of a revised time schedule is reasonable. An extension request must also provide an explanation as to why no further delays are anticipated.
(2) EDA is under no obligation to grant a time extension and in the event an extension is denied, EDA may deobligate all or part of the unused Grant funds and terminate the Grant.
(c) Capital utilization standard.
(1) During the Revolving Phase, RLF Recipients must manage their repayment and lending schedules to provide that at all times at least 75 percent of the RLF Capital is loaned or committed, except that EDA may require an RLF Recipient with an RLF Capital base in excess of $4 million to adopt a Plan that maintains a proportionately higher percentage of its funds loaned.
(2) When the percentage of loaned RLF Capital falls below the capital utilization standard, the dollar amount of the RLF funds equivalent to the difference between the actual percentage of RLF Capital loaned and the capital utilization standard is referred to as “excess funds.”
(ii) Persistent non-compliance. An RLF Recipient will generally(i) Sequestration of excess funds. If the RLF Recipient fails to satisfy the capital utilization standard for two consecutive Reporting Periods, EDA may require the RLF Recipient to deposit excess funds in an interest-bearing account. The portion of interest earned on the account holding excess funds attributable to the Federal Share (as defined in § 314.5 of this chapter) of the RLF Grant shall be remitted to the U.S. Treasury. The RLF Recipient must obtain EDA's written authorization to withdraw any sequestered funds.
Risk Analysis System.
(a) EDA shall evaluate and manage RLF recipients using a Risk Analysis System that will focus on such risk factors as: capital, assets, management, earnings, liquidity, strategic results, and financial controls. Risk analysis ratings of each RLF Recipient's RLF program shall be conducted at least annually and will be based on the most recently submitted Form ED-209 RLF report.
lend excess funds and achieve the capital utilization standard. However, if an RLF Recipient fails to achieve the capital utilization standard after a reasonable period of time, as determined by EDA, it may be subject to sanctions such as suspension or termination.(b) An RLF Recipient generally will be allowed a reasonable period of time to
[71 FR 56675, Sept. 27, 2006, as amended at 73 FR 62868, Oct. 22, 2008; 75 FR 4264, Jan. 27, 2010; 79 FR 76134, Dec. 19, 2014(d) Loan default rates.
(1) EDA shall monitor the RLF Recipient's loan default rate to ensure proper protection of the Federal Share of the RLF property, and request information from the RLF Recipient as necessary to determine whether it is collecting loan repayments and complying with the financial obligations under the RLF Grant. Such information may include:
(i) A written analysis of the RLF Recipient's portfolio, which shall consider the Recipient's RLF Plan, loan and collateral policies, loan servicing and collection policies and procedures, the rate of growth of the RLF Capital base, and detailed information on any loan in default; and
(ii) A corrective action plan subject to EDA's approval, which shall include specific actions the RLF Recipient must take to reduce the loan default rate; and
(iii) A quarterly status report indicating the RLF Recipient's progress on achieving the milestones outlined in the corrective action plan.
(2) Failure to provide the information requested and to take steps to protect the Federal Share may subject the RLF Recipient to enforcement action under § 307.21 and the terms and conditions of the Grant.
achieve compliance with risk factors as defined by EDA. However, persistent noncompliance with these factors and their limits as identified through EDA's Risk Analysis System over multiple Reporting Periods may result in EDA taking appropriate remedies for noncompliance as detailed in § 307.21.
[82 FR 57057, Dec. 1, 2017]