Chapter I—Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation  

SubChapter A—Definitions and General Requirements
Part 1 - Definitions and Abbreviations
Part 3 - General Requirements
Part 5 - Safety Management Systems
SubChapter B—Procedural Rules
Part 11 - General Rulemaking Procedures
Part 13 - Investigative and Enforcement Procedures
Part 14 - Rules Implementing the Equal Access to Justice Act of 1980
Part 15 - Administrative Claims Under Federal Tort Claims Act
Part 16 - Rules of Practice for Federally-Assisted Airport Enforcement Proceedings
Part 17 - Procedures for Protests and Contract Disputes
SubChapter C—Aircraft
Part 21 - Certification Procedures for Products and Articles
Part 23 - Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category Airplanes
Part 25 - Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Airplanes
Part 26 - Continued Airworthiness and Safety Improvements for Transport Category Airplanes
Part 27 - Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category Rotorcraft
Part 29 - Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Rotorcraft
Part 31 - Airworthiness Standards: Manned Free Balloons
Part 33 - Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines
Part 34 - Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emission Requirements for Turbine Engine Powered Airplanes
Part 35 - Airworthiness Standards: Propellers
Part 36 - Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
Part 39 - Airworthiness Directives
Part 43 - Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Alteration
Part 45 - Identification and Registration Marking
Part 47 - Aircraft Registration
Part 48 - Registration and Marking Requirements for Small Unmanned Aircraft
Part 49 - Recording of Aircraft Titles and Security Documents
Part 38 - Airplane Fuel Efficiency Certification
Parts 50--59 - [Reserved]
SubChapter D—Airmen
Part 60 - Flight Simulation Training Device Initial and Continuing Qualification and Use
Part 61 - Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors
Part 63 - Certification: Flight Crewmembers Other Than Pilots
Part 65 - Certification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmembers
Part 67 - Medical Standards and Certification
Part 68 - Requirements for Operating Certain Small Aircraft Without a Medical Certificate
SubChapter E—Airspace
Part 71 - Designation of Class a, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas; Air Traffic Service Routes; and Reporting Points
Part 73 - Special Use Airspace
Part 75 - [Reserved]
Part 77 - Safe, Efficient Use, and Preservation of the Navigable Airspace
SubChapter F—Air Traffic and General Operating Rules
Part 89 - Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft
Part 91 - General Operating and Flight Rules
Part 93 - Special Air Traffic Rules
Part 95 - IFR Altitudes
Part 97 - Standard Instrument Procedures
Part 99 - Security Control of Air Traffic
Part 101 - Moored Balloons,Kites, Amateur Rockets, and Unmanned Free Balloons
Part 103 - Ultralight Vehicles
Part 105 - Parachute Operations
Part 106 - [Reserved]
Part 107 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Parts 108--109 - [Reserved]
SubChapter G—Air Carriers and Operators for Compensation or Hire: Certification and Operations
Part 110 - General Requirements
Part 111 - Pilot Records Database
Part 117 - Flight and Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements: Flightcrew Members
Part 118 - [Reserved]
Part 119 - Certification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators
Part 120 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Part 121 - Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Operations
Part 125 - Certification and Operations: Aircraft Having a Seating Capacity of 20 or More Passengers or a Maximum Payload Capacity of 6,000 Pounds or More; and Rules Governing Persons on Board Such Aircraft
Part 129 - Operations: Foreign Air Carriers and Foreign Operators of U.S.-Registered Aircraft Engaged in Common Carriage
Part 133 - Rotorcraft External-Load Operations
Part 135 - Operating Requirements: Commuter and on Demand Operations and Rules Governing Persons on Board Such Aircraft
Part 136 - Commercial Air Tours and National Parks Air Tour Management
Part 137 - Agricultural Aircraft Operations
Part 139 - Certification of Airports
Parts 111--116 - [Reserved]
Parts 112--116 - [Reserved]
SubChapter H - Schools and Other Certificated Agencies
Part 140 - [Reserved]
Part 141 - Pilot Schools
Part 142 - Training Centers
Part 143 - [Reserved]
Part 145 - Repair Stations
Part 147 - Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools
SubChapter I - Airports
Part 150 - Airport Noise Compatibility Planning
Part 151 - Federal Aid to Airports
Part 152 - Airport Aid Program
Part 153 - Airport Operations
Part 155 - Release of Airport Property from Surplus Property Disposal Restrictions
Part 156 - State Block Grant Pilot Program
Part 157 - Notice of Construction, Alteration, Activation, and Deactivation of Airports
Part 158 - Passenger Facility Charges (PFC'S)
Part 161 - Notice and Approval of Airport Noise and Access Restrictions
Part 169 - Expenditure of Federal Funds for Nonmilitary Airports or Air Navigation Facilities Thereon
SubChapter J - Navigational Facilities
Part 170 - Establishment and Discontinuance Criteria for Air Traffic Control Services and Navigational Facilities
Part 171 - Non-Federal Navigation Facilities
SubChapter K - Administrative Regulations
Part 183 - Representatives of the Administrator
Part 185 - Testimony by Employees and Production of Records in Legal Proceedings, and Service of Legal Process and Pleadings
Part 187 - Fees
Part 189 - Use of Federal Aviation Administration Communications System
Part 193 - Protection of Voluntarily Submitted Information
SubChapters L--M - XXX
SubChapter N - War Risk Insurance
Part 198 - Aviation Insurance
Part 199 - [Reserved]