Part 47 - Aircraft Registration  

Subpart A - General
§ 47.1 - Applicability.
§ 47.2 - Definitions.
§ 47.3 - Registration required.
§ 47.5 - Applicants.
§ 47.7 - United States citizens and resident aliens.
§ 47.8 - Voting trusts.
§ 47.9 - Corporations not U.S. citizens.
§ 47.11 - Evidence of ownership.
§ 47.13 - Signatures and instruments made by representatives.
§ 47.14 - xxx
§ 47.15 - Registration number.
§ 47.16 - Temporary registration numbers.
§ 47.17 - Fees.
§ 47.19 - Registry.
Subpart B - Certificates of Aircraft Registration
§ 47.31 - Application.
§ 47.33 - Aircraft not previously registered anywhere.
§ 47.35 - Aircraft last previously registered in the United States.
§ 47.37 - Aircraft last previously registered in a foreign country.
§ 47.39 - Effective date of registration.
§ 47.40 - Registration expiration and renewal.
§ 47.41 - Duration and return of Certificate.
§ 47.43 - Invalid registration.
§ 47.45 - Change of address.
§ 47.47 - Cancellation of Certificate for export purpose.
§ 47.49 - Replacement of Certificate.
§ 47.51 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Dealers' Aircraft Registration Certificate
§ 47.61 - Dealer's Aircraft Registration Certificates.
§ 47.63 - Application.
§ 47.65 - Eligibility.
§ 47.67 - Evidence of ownership.
§ 47.69 - Limitations.
§ 47.71 - Duration of Certificate; change of status.