§ 372.24 - Surety bond, depository agreement, escrow agreement.  

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  • § 372.24 Surety bond, depository agreement, escrow agreement.

    (a) Before selling or offering to sell, soliciting or advertising any charter flight, a charter operator shall comply with one of the three following requirements:

    (1) The charter operator shall furnish a surety bond in an amount not less than the maximum fare held out for charter flights proposed to be operated during each calendar month multiplied by 90 percent of the number of available seats on such flights: Provided, however, That the liability of the surety to any charter participant shall not exceed the charter operator's applicable tariff fare. Such bond shall be filed with the Department not less than 45 days prior to the commencement of the calendar month covered by the bond together with a list of flights proposed to be operated during the month showing charter price, departure dates, equipment to be used for each flight and the seating capacity: Provided, however, That the amount of the bond shall be increased if additional charter flights are proposed or may be reduced if proposed charter flights are canceled, in which event a substitute bond and amended list of proposed flights shall be filed with the Department within 10 days of the date that the charter operator adds flights or cancels flights previously proposed, but in no event later than 2 days prior to the operation of any such additional charter flights; or

    (2) The charter operator shall:

    (i) Furnish and file with the Department a surety bond in the amount of $100,000 for the protection of the charter participants: Provided, however, That the liability of the surety to any charter participant shall not exceed the charter operator's applicable tariff fare; and

    (ii) Enter into an agreement with a bank, the terms of which shall include the following:

    (a) Each participant shall pay for his deposit and subsequent payments comprising the charter participant's tariff fare only by check or money order payable to such bank which shall maintain a separate accounting for each flight: Provided, however, That if the participant makes a cash deposit, the charter operator who receives such cash deposit shall forthwith remit to the designated bank a check for the full amount of the deposit;

    (b) The bank shall not pay the air carrier or foreign air carrier the charter price for the transportation earlier than 60 days (including day of departure) prior to the scheduled day of departure of the originating or returning flight, upon certification of the departure date and price by the charter operator;

    (c) The bank shall reimburse the charter operator for refunds made by the latter to the participants upon written notification from the charter operator;

    (d) If the charter operator notifies the bank that a flight has been canceled, the bank shall make the applicable refunds directly to the participants;

    (e) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(c) of this section, the bank shall not pay any funds from the account to the charter operator prior to 2 banking days after completion of each flight when the balance in the account shall be paid to the charter operator upon certification of the completion date by the charter operator and direct air carrier;

    (f) Notwithstanding any provisions above, the amount of total cash deposits required to be maintained in the depository account of the bank may be reduced by one or both of the following: The amount of surety bond in the form prescribed herein in excess of the minimum bond required by paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section; an escrow with the designated bank of Federal, State, or municipal bonds or other securities, consisting of certificates of deposit issued by banks having a stated policy of redeeming such certificates before maturity at the request of the holder (subject only to such interest penalties or other conditions as may be required by law), or negotiable securities which are publicly traded on a securities exchange, all such securities to be made payable to the escrow account: Provided, That such other securities shall be substituted in an amount no greater than 80 percent of the total market value of the escrow account at the time of such substitution: And provided, further, That should the market value of such other securities subsequently decrease, from time to time, then additional cash or securities qualified for investment hereunder shall promptly be added to the escrow account, in an amount equal to the amount of such decreased value; or

    (3) The charter operator shall:

    (i) Furnish and file with the Department a surety bond in the amount of $100,000 for the protection of the charter participants: Provided, however, That the liability of the surety to any charter participant shall not exceed the charter operator's applicable tariff fare; and

    (ii) Enter into an agreement with a bank, the terms of which shall include the following:

    (a) Whenever the gross amount of customers' deposits exceeds 25 percent of the charter operator's net worth, as computed under generally accepted accounting principles, the charter operator shall, on or before the 30th day of the succeeding month, place in escrow or in trust with the bank cash in an amount at least equal to the amount by which such deposits exceed 25 percent of its net worth: Provided, That negotiable securities may be substituted for cash, but the market value thereof shall at all times be not less than the amount of cash for which they are substituted;

    (b) The escrow agreement or the trust agreement between the bank and the operator shall not be effective until approved by the Department. Claims against the escrow or trust may be made only with respect to the nonperformance of air transportation.

    (b) As used in this section, the term bank means a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    (c) Any bond furnished under this section shall insure the financial responsibility of the charter operator and the supplying of the air transportation in accordance with the contract between the charter operator and the charter participants, and shall be in the form set forth as appendix A to this part. Such bond shall be issued by a bonding or surety company

    (1) whose surety bonds are accepted by the Interstate Commerce Commission under 49 CFR 1084.6; or

    (2) which is listed in Best's Insurance Reports (fire and casualty) with a general policyholders' rating of “A” or better. The bonding or surety company shall be one legally authorized to issue bonds of that type in the State in which the charter originates or in which the charter operator is incorporated. For purposes of this section, the term “State” includes any territory or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia. The bond shall be specifically identified by the issuing surety with a company bond numbering system so that the Department may identify the bond with the specific charter or charters to which it relates: Provided, however, That these data may be set forth in an addendum attached to the bond which addendum must be signed by the charter operator and the surety company. It shall be effective on or before the date the operating authorization becomes effective. If the bond does not comply with the requirements of this section, or for any reason fails to provide satisfactory or adequate protection for the public, the Department will notify the direct air carrier and the charter operator, by registered or certified mail, stating the deficiencies of the bond. Unless such deficiencies are corrected within the time set forth in such notification, the subject charters shall in no event be operated.

    (d) Any bond furnished under this section shall provide that unless the charter participant files a claim with the charter operator, or, if he is unavailable, with the surety, within sixty (60) days after termination of the charter, the surety shall be released from all liability under the bond to such charter participant. The contract between the charter operator and the charter participants shall contain notice of this provision.

    [SPR-54, 37 FR 11163, June 3, 1972, as amended by SPR-60, 37 FR 19122, Sept. 19, 1972; SPR-63, 37 FR 22849, Oct. 26, 1972; SPR-95, 40 FR 52355, Nov. 10, 1975; Doc. No. 47939, 57 FR 40105, Sept. 2, 1992]