§ 91.813 - Compliance plans and status: U.S. operations of subsonic airplanes.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each U.S. operator of a civil subsonic airplane covered by this subpart (regardless of the state of registry) shall submit to the Director, Office of Environment and Energy, in accordance with this section, the operator's current compliance status and plan for achieving and maintaining compliance with the applicable noise level requirements of this subpart. If appropriate, an operator may substitute for the required plan a notice, certified as true (under penalty of 18 U.S.C. 1001) by that operator, that no change in the plan or status of any airplane affected by the plan has occurred since the date of the plan most recently submitted under this section.

    (b) Each compliance plan, including each revised plan, must contain the information specified under paragraph (c) of this section for each airplane covered by this section that is operated by the operator. Unless otherwise approved by the Administrator, compliance plans must provide the required plan and status information as it exists on the date 30 days before the date specified for submission of the plan. Plans must be certified by the operator as true and complete (under penalty of 18 U.S.C. 1001) and be submitted for each airplane covered by this section on or before 90 days after initially commencing operation of airplanes covered by this section, whichever is later, and thereafter—

    (1) Thirty days after any change in the operator's fleet or compliance planning decisions that has a separate or cumulative effect on 10 percent or more of the airplanes in either class of airplanes covered by § 91.807(b); and

    (2) Thirty days after each compliance date applicable to that airplane under this subpart, and annually thereafter through 1985, or until any later date for that airplane prescribed under this subpart, on the anniversary of that submission date, to show continuous compliance with this subpart.

    (c) Each compliance plan submitted under this section must identify the operator and include information regarding the compliance plan and status for each airplane covered by the plan as follows:

    (1) Name and address of the airplane operator.

    (2) Name and telephone number of the person designated by the operator to be responsible for the preparation of the compliance plan and its submission.

    (3) The total number of airplanes covered by this section and in each of the following classes and subclasses:

    (i) For airplanes engaged in domestic air commerce—

    (A) Airplanes powered by four turbojet engines with no bypass ratio or with a bypass ratio less than two;

    (B) Airplanes powered by engines with any other bypass ratio or by another number of engines; and

    (C) Airplanes covered by an exemption issued under § 91.811 of this subpart.

    (ii) For airplanes engaged in foreign air commerce under an approved apportionment plan—

    (A) Airplanes powered by four turbojet engines with no bypass ratio or with a bypass ratio less than two;

    (B) Airplanes powered by engines with any other bypass ratio or by another number of engines; and

    (C) Airplanes covered by an exemption issued under § 91.811 of this subpart.

    (4) For each airplane covered by this section—

    (i) Aircraft type and model;

    (ii) Aircraft registration number;

    (iii) Aircraft manufacturer serial number;

    (iv) Aircraft powerplant make and model;

    (v) Aircraft year of manufacture;

    (vi) Whether part 36 noise level compliance has been shown, “Yes/No”;

    (vii) The appropriate code prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section which indicates the acoustical technology installed, or to be installed, on the airplane;

    (viii) For airplanes on which acoustical technology has been or will be applied, following the appropriate code entry, the actual or scheduled month and year of installation on the airplane;

    (ix) For DC-8 and B-707 airplanes operated in domestic U.S. air commerce which have been or will be retired from service in the United States without replacement between January 24, 1977, and January 1, 1985, the appropriate code prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section followed by the actual or scheduled month and year of retirement of the airplane from service;

    (x) For DC-8 and B-707 airplanes operated in foreign air commerce in the United States which have been or will be retired from service in the United States without replacement between April 14, 1980, and January 1, 1985, the appropriate code prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section followed by the actual or scheduled month and year of retirement of the airplane from service;

    (xi) For airplanes covered by an approved replacement plan under § 91.807(c) of this subpart, the appropriate code prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section followed by the scheduled month and year for replacement of the airplane;

    (xii) For airplanes designated as “engaged in foreign commerce” in accordance with an approved method of apportionment under § 91.807(c) of this subpart, the appropriate code prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section;

    (xiii) For airplanes covered by an exemption issued to the operator granting relief from noise level requirements of this subpart, the appropriate code prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section followed by the actual or scheduled month and year of expiration of the exemption and the appropriate code and applicable dates which indicate the compliance strategy planned or implemented for the airplane;

    (xiv) For all airplanes covered by this section, the number of spare shipsets of acoustical components needed for continuous compliance and the number available on demand to the operator in support of those airplanes; and

    (xv) For airplanes for which none of the other codes prescribed under paragraph (c)(5) of this section describes either the technology applied or to be applied to the airplane in accordance with the certification requirements under parts 21 and 36 of this chapter, or the compliance strategy or methodology following the code “OTH,” enter the date of any certificate action and attach an addendum to the plan explaining the nature and the extent of the certificated technology, strategy, or methodology employed, with reference to the type certificate documentation.

    (5)Table of Acoustical Technology/Strategy CodesCodeAirplane type/modelCertificate technologyAB-707-120B; B-707-320B/C; B-720BQuiet nacelles + 1-ring.BB-727-100Double wall fan duct treatment.CB-727-200Double wall fan duct treatment (pre-January 1977 installations and amended type certificate).DB-727-200; B-737-100; B-737-200Quiet nacelles + double wall fan duct treatment.EB-747-100 (pre-December 1971); B-747-200 (pre-December 1971)Fixed lip inlets + sound absorbing material treatment.FDC-8New extended inlet and bullet with treatment + fan duct treatment areas.GDC-9P-36 sound absorbing material treatment kit.HBAC-111-200Silencer kit (BAC Acoustic Report 522).IBAC-111-400Silencer kit (BAC Acoustic Report 598).JB-707; DC-8Reengined with high bypass ratio turbojet engines + quiet nacelles (if certificated under stage 3 noise level requirements).

    REP—For airplanes covered by an approved replacement plan under § 91.807(c) of this subpart.

    EFC—For airplanes designated as “engaged in foreign commerce” in accordance with an approved method of apportionment under § 91.811 of this subpart.

    RET—For DC-8 and B-707 airplanes operated in domestic U.S. air commerce and retired from service in the United States without replacement between January 24, 1977, and January 1, 1985. RFC—For DC-8 and B-707 airplanes operated by U.S. operators in foreign air commerce in the United States and retired from service in the United States without replacement between April 14, 1980, and January 1, 1985.

    EXD—For airplanes exempted from showing compliance with the noise level requirements of this subpart.

    OTH—For airplanes for which no other prescribed code describes either the certificated technology applied or to be applied to the airplane, or the compliance strategy or methodology. (An addendum must explain the nature and extent of technology, strategy, or methodology and reference the type certificate documentation.)