Chapter I—Commodity Futures Trading Commission  

Part 1 - General Regulations Under the Commodity Exchange Act
Part 2 - Official Seal
Part 3 - Registration
Part 4 - Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity Trading Advisors
Part 5 - Off-Exchange Foreign Currency Transactions
Part 7 - Registered Entity Rules Altered or Supplemented by the Commission
Part 8 - [Reserved]
Part 9 - Rules Relating to Review of Exchange Disciplinary, Access Denial or Other Adverse Actions
Part 10 - Rules of Practice
Part 11 - Rules Relating to Investigations
Part 12 - Rules Relating to Reparations
Part 13 - Procedures for Petitions for Rulemaking
Part 14 - Rules Relating to Suspension or Disbarment from Appearance and Practice
Part 15 - Reports - General Provisions
Part 16 - Reports by Contract Markets and Swap Execution Facilities
Part 17 - Reports by Reporting Markets, Futures Commission Merchants, Clearing Members, and Foreign Brokers
Part 18 - Reports by Traders
Part 19 - Reports by Persons Holding Reportable Positions in Excess of Position Limits, and by Merchants and Dealers in Cotton
Part 20 - Large Trader Reporting for Physical Commodity Swaps
Part 21 - Special Calls
Part 22 - Cleared Swaps
Part 23 - Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants
Part 30 - Foreign Futures and Foreign Options Transactions
Part 31 - Leverage Transactions
Part 32 - Regulation of Commodity Option Transactions
Part 33 - Regulation of Commodity Option Transactions That Are Options on Contracts of Sale of a Commodity for Future Delivery
Part 34 - Regulation of Hybrid Instruments
Part 35 - Swaps in an Agricultural Commodity (Agricultural Swaps)
Part 36 - Trade Execution Requirement
Part 37 - Swap Execution Facilities
Part 38 - Designated Contract Markets
Part 39 - Derivatives Clearing Organizations
Part 40 - Provisions Common to Registered Entities
Part 41 - Security Futures Products
Part 42 - Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing
Part 43 - Real-Time Public Reporting
Part 44 - Interim Final Rule for Pre-Enactment Swap Transactions
Part 45 - Swap Data Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
Part 46 - Swap Data Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements: Pre-Enactment and Transition Swaps
Part 48 - Registration of Foreign Boards of Trade
Part 49 - Swap Data Repositories
Part 50 - Clearing Requirement and Related Rules
Part 75 - Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in and Relationships With Covered Funds
Part 100 - Delivery Period Required
Part 140 - Organization, Functions, and Procedures of the Commission
Part 141 - Salary Offset
Part 142 - Indemnification of CFTC Employees
Part 143 - Collection of Claims Owed the United States Arising from Activities Under the Commission'S Jurisdiction
Part 144 - Procedures Regarding the Disclosure of Information and the Testimony of Present or Former Officers and Employees in Response to Subpoenas or Other Demands of a Court
Part 145 - Commission Records and Information
Part 146 - Records Maintained on Individuals
Part 147 - Open Commission Meetings
Part 148 - Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Covered Adjudicatory Proceedings Before the Commission
Part 149 - Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Part 150 - Limits on Positions
Part 151 - Position Limits for Futures and Swaps
Part 155 - Trading Standards
Part 156 - Broker Associations
Part 160 - Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Under Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Part 162 - Protection of Consumer Information Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Part 165 - Whistleblower Rules
Part 166 - Customer Protection Rules
Part 170 - Registered Futures Associations
Part 171 - Rules Relating to Review of National Futures Association Decisions in Disciplinary, Membership Denial, Registration and Member Responsibility Actions
Part 180 - Prohibition Against Manipulation
Part 190 - Bankruptcy Rules
Parts 191--199 - [Reserved]