Part 201 - Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Natural Gas Companies Subject to the Provisions of the Natural Gas Act  

§ 101.1 - Property under capital leases.
§ 105.1 - Production properties held for future use.
§ 117.1 - Gas stored-base gas.
§ 123.1 - Investment in subsidiary companies.
§ 164.1 - Gas stored—current.
§ 182.1 - Extraordinary property losses.
§ 183.1 - Preliminary natural gas survey and investigation charges.
§ 216.1 - Unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings.
§ 228.1 - Accumulated provision for property insurance.
§ 325.1 - Producing lands.
§ 350.1 - Land.
§ 352.1 - Storage leaseholds and rights.
§ 363.1 - Liquefaction equipment.
§ 364.1 - Land and land rights.
§ 365.1 - Land and land rights.
§ 404.1 - Amortization and depletion of producing natural gas land and land rights.
§ 407.1 - Amortization of property losses, unrecovered plant and regulatory study costs.
§ 408.1 - Taxes other than income taxes, utility operating income.
§ 409.1 - Income taxes, utility operating income.
§ 411.1 - Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, utility operating income.
§ 417.1 - Expenses of nonutility operations.
§ 418.1 - Equity in earnings of subsidiary companies.
§ 419.1 - Allowance for other funds used during construction.
§ 421.1 - Gain on disposition of property.
§ 426.1 - Donations.
§ 428.1 - Amortization of loss on reacquired debt.
§ 429.1 - Amortization of gain on reacquired debt—Credit.
§ 489.1 - Revenues from transportation of gas of others through gathering facilities.
§ 800.1 - Natural gas well-head purchases; intracompany transfers.
§ 804.1 - Liquefied natural gas purchases.
§ 805.1 - Purchased gas cost adjustments.
§ 809.1 - Withdrawals of liquefied natural gas held for processing—Debit.
§ 842.1 - Fuel.
§ 843.1 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 844.1 - Operations supervision and engineering.
§ 845.1 - Fuel.
§ 846.1 - Gas losses.
§ 847.1 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 930.1 - General advertising expenses.
§ 117.2 - System balancing gas.
§ 164.2 - Liquefied natural gas stored.
§ 182.2 - Unrecovered plant and regulatory study costs.
§ 183.2 - Other preliminary survey and investigation charges.
§ 228.2 - Accumulated provision for injuries and damages.
§ 325.2 - Producing leaseholds.
§ 350.2 - Rights-of-way.
§ 352.2 - Reservoirs.
§ 363.2 - Vaporizing equipment.
§ 364.2 - Structures and improvements.
§ 365.2 - Rights-of-way.
§ 404.2 - Amortization of underground storage land and land rights.
§ 407.2 - Amortization of conversion expenses.
§ 408.2 - Taxes other than income taxes, other income and deductions.
§ 409.2 - Income taxes, other income and deductions.
§ 410.2 - Provision for deferred income taxes, other income and deductions.
§ 411.2 - Provision for deferred income taxes—Credit, other income and deductions.
§ 421.2 - Loss on disposition of property.
§ 426.2 - Life insurance.
§ 489.2 - Revenues from transportation of gas of others through transmission facilities.
§ 809.2 - Deliveries of natural gas for processing—Credit.
§ 842.2 - Power.
§ 843.2 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 844.2 - LNG processing terminal labor and expenses.
§ 845.2 - Power.
§ 846.2 - Other expenses.
§ 847.2 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 930.2 - Miscellaneous general expenses.
§ 117.3 - Gas stored in reservoirs and pipelines—noncurrent.
§ 164.3 - Liquefied natural gas held for processing.
§ 182.3 - Other regulatory assets.
§ 201.3 - [Reserved]
§ 228.3 - Accumulated provision for pensions and benefits.
§ 325.3 - Gas rights.
§ 352.3 - Nonrecoverable natural gas.
§ 363.3 - Compressor equipment.
§ 364.3 - LNG processing terminal equipment.
§ 404.3 - Amortization of other limited-term gas plant.
§ 407.3 - Regulatory debits.
§ 409.3 - Income taxes, extraordinary items.
§ 426.3 - Penalties.
§ 489.3 - Revenues from transportation of gas of others through distribution facilities.
§ 842.3 - Gas Losses.
§ 843.3 - Maintenance of gas holders.
§ 844.3 - Liquefaction processing labor and expenses.
§ 845.3 - Rents.
§ 847.3 - Maintenance of LNG processing terminal equipment.
§ 117.4 - Gas owed to system gas.
§ 228.4 - Accumulated miscellaneous operating provisions.
§ 325.4 - Rights-of-way.
§ 363.4 - Measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 364.4 - LNG transportation equipment.
§ 407.4 - Regulatory credits.
§ 411.4 - Investment tax credit adjustments, utility operations.
§ 426.4 - Expenditures for certain civic, political and related activities.
§ 489.4 - Revenues from storing gas of others.
§ 843.4 - Maintenance of purification equipment.
§ 844.4 - LNG transportation labor and expenses.
§ 845.4 - Demurrage charges.
§ 847.4 - Maintenance of LNG transportation equipment.
§ 325.5 - Other land and land rights.
§ 363.5 - Other equipment.
§ 364.5 - Measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 411.5 - Investment tax credit adjustments, nonutility operations.
§ 426.5 - Other deductions.
§ 843.5 - Maintenance of liquefaction equipment.
§ 844.5 - Measuring and regulating labor and expenses.
§ 845.5 - Wharfage receipts—Credit.
§ 847.5 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 364.6 - Compressor station equipment.
§ 411.6 - Gains from disposition of utility plant.
§ 843.6 - Maintenance of vaporizing equipment.
§ 844.6 - Compressor station labor and expenses.
§ 845.6 - Processing of liquefied or vaporized gas by others.
§ 847.6 - Maintenance of compressor station equipment.
§ 364.7 - Communication equipment.
§ 411.7 - Losses from disposition of utility plant.
§ 843.7 - Maintenance of compressor equipment.
§ 844.7 - Communication system expenses.
§ 847.7 - Maintenance of communication equipment.
§ 364.8 - Other equipment.
§ 843.8 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 844.8 - System control and load dispatching.
§ 847.8 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 843.9 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 201.101 - Gas plant in service.
§ 201.102 - Gas plant purchased or sold.
§ 201.103 - Experimental gas plant unclassified.
§ 201.104 - Gas plant leased to others.
§ 201.105 - Gas plant held for future use.
§ 201.106 - Completed construction not classified—Gas.
§ 201.107 - Construction work in progress—Gas.
§ 201.108 - Accumulated provision for depreciation of gas utility plant.
§ 201.109 - [Reserved]
§ 201.111 - Accumulated provision for amortization and depletion of gas utility plant.
§ 201.114 - Gas plant acquisition adjustments.
§ 201.115 - Accumulated provision for amortization of gas plant acquisition adjustments.
§ 201.116 - Other gas plant adjustments.
§ 201.118 - Other utility plant.
§ 201.119 - Accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization of other utility plant.
§ 201.121 - Nonutility property.
§ 201.122 - Accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization of nonutility property.
§ 201.123 - Investment in associated companies.
§ 201.124 - Other investments.
§ 201.125 - Sinking funds.
§ 201.126 - Depreciation fund.
§ 201.128 - Other special funds.
§ 201.131 - Cash.
§ 201.132 - Interest special deposits.
§ 201.133 - Dividend special deposits.
§ 201.134 - Other special deposits.
§ 201.135 - Working funds.
§ 201.136 - Temporary cash investments.
§ 201.141 - Notes receivable.
§ 201.142 - Customer accounts receivable.
§ 201.143 - Other accounts receivable.
§ 201.144 - Accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts—Cr.
§ 201.145 - Notes receivable from associated companies.
§ 201.146 - Accounts receivable from associated companies.
§ 201.151 - Fuel stock.
§ 201.152 - Fuel stock expenses undistributed.
§ 201.153 - Residuals and extracted products.
§ 201.154 - Plant materials and operating supplies.
§ 201.155 - Merchandise.
§ 201.156 - Other materials and supplies.
§ 201.163 - Stores expense undistributed.
§ 201.165 - Prepayments.
§ 201.166 - Advances for gas exploration, development and production.
§ 201.167 - Other advances for gas.
§ 201.171 - Interest and dividends receivable.
§ 201.172 - Rents receivable.
§ 201.173 - Accrued utility revenues.
§ 201.174 - Miscellaneous current and accrued assets.
§ 201.181 - Unamortized debt expense.
§ 201.184 - Clearing accounts.
§ 201.185 - Temporary facilities.
§ 201.186 - Miscellaneous deferred debits.
§ 201.187 - Deferred losses from disposition of utility plant.
§ 201.188 - Research, development, and demonstration expenditures.
§ 201.189 - Unamortized loss on reacquired debt.
§ 201.190 - Accumulated deferred income taxes.
§ 201.191 - Unrecovered purchased gas costs.
§ 201.201 - Common stock issued.
§ 201.202 - Common stock subscribed.
§ 201.203 - Common stock liability for conversion.
§ 201.204 - Preferred stock issued.
§ 201.205 - Preferred stock subscribed.
§ 201.206 - Preferred stock liability for conversion.
§ 201.207 - Premium on capital stock.
§ 201.208 - Donations received from stockholders.
§ 201.209 - Reduction in par or stated value of capital stock.
§ 201.210 - Gain on resale or cancellation of reacquired capital stock.
§ 201.211 - Miscellaneous paid-in capital.
§ 201.212 - Installments received on capital stock.
§ 201.213 - Discount on capital stock.
§ 201.214 - Capital stock expense.
§ 201.215 - Appropriated retained earnings.
§ 201.216 - Unappropriated retained earnings.
§ 201.217 - Reacquired capital stock.
§ 201.221 - Bonds.
§ 201.222 - Reacquired bonds.
§ 201.223 - Advances from associated companies.
§ 201.224 - Other long-term debt.
§ 201.225 - Unamortized premium on long-term debt.
§ 201.226 - Unamortized discount on long-term debt—Debit.
§ 201.227 - Obligations under capital leases—noncurrent.
§ 201.229 - Accumulated provision for rate refunds.
§ 201.231 - Notes payable.
§ 201.232 - Accounts payable.
§ 201.233 - Notes payable to associated companies.
§ 201.234 - Accounts payable to associated companies.
§ 201.235 - Customer deposits.
§ 201.236 - Taxes accrued.
§ 201.237 - Interest accrued.
§ 201.238 - Dividends declared.
§ 201.239 - Matured long-term debt.
§ 201.240 - Matured interest.
§ 201.241 - Tax collections payable.
§ 201.242 - Miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities.
§ 201.243 - Obligations under capital leases—current.
§ 201.252 - Customer advances for construction.
§ 201.253 - Other deferred credits.
§ 201.254 - Other regulatory liabilities.
§ 201.255 - Accumulated deferred investment tax credits.
§ 201.256 - Deferred gains from disposition of utility plant.
§ 201.257 - Unamortized gain on reacquired debt.
§ 201.281 - Accumulated deferred income taxes—Accelerated amortization property.
§ 201.282 - Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other property.
§ 201.283 - Accumulated deferred income taxes—Other.
§ 201.301 - Organization.
§ 201.302 - Franchises and consents.
§ 201.303 - Miscellaneous intangible plant.
§ 201.304 - Land and land rights.
§ 201.305 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.306 - Boiler plant equipment.
§ 201.307 - Other power equipment.
§ 201.308 - Coke ovens.
§ 201.309 - Producer gas equipment.
§ 201.310 - Water gas generating equipment.
§ 201.311 - Liquefied petroleum gas equipment.
§ 201.312 - Oil gas generating equipment.
§ 201.313 - Generating equipment—Other processes.
§ 201.314 - Coal, coke, and ash handling equipment.
§ 201.315 - Catalytic cracking equipment.
§ 201.316 - Other reforming equipment.
§ 201.317 - Purification equipment.
§ 201.318 - Residual refining equipment.
§ 201.319 - Gas mixing equipment.
§ 201.320 - Other equipment.
§ 201.326 - Gas well structures.
§ 201.327 - Field compressor station structures.
§ 201.328 - Field measuring and regulating station structures.
§ 201.329 - Other structures.
§ 201.330 - Producing gas wells—Well construction.
§ 201.331 - Producing gas wells—Well equipment.
§ 201.332 - Field lines.
§ 201.333 - Field compressor station equipment.
§ 201.334 - Field measuring and regulating station equipment.
§ 201.335 - Drilling and cleaning equipment.
§ 201.336 - Purification equipment.
§ 201.337 - Other equipment.
§ 201.338 - Unsuccessful exploration and development costs.
§ 201.340 - Land and land rights.
§ 201.341 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.342 - Extraction and refining equipment.
§ 201.343 - Pipe lines.
§ 201.344 - Extracted product storage equipment.
§ 201.345 - Compressor equipment.
§ 201.346 - Gas measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 201.347 - Other equipment.
§ 201.351 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.352 - Wells.
§ 201.353 - Lines.
§ 201.354 - Compressor station equipment.
§ 201.355 - Measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 201.356 - Purification equipment.
§ 201.357 - Other equipment.
§ 201.360 - Land and land rights.
§ 201.361 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.362 - Gas holders.
§ 201.363 - Purification equipment.
§ 201.366 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.367 - Mains.
§ 201.368 - Compressor station equipment.
§ 201.369 - Measuring and regulating station equipment.
§ 201.370 - Communication equipment.
§ 201.371 - Other equipment.
§ 201.374 - Land and land rights.
§ 201.375 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.376 - Mains.
§ 201.377 - Compressor station equipment.
§ 201.378 - Measuring and regulating station equipment—General.
§ 201.379 - Measuring and regulating station equipment—City gate check stations.
§ 201.380 - Services.
§ 201.381 - Meters.
§ 201.382 - Meter installations.
§ 201.383 - House regulators.
§ 201.384 - House regulator installations.
§ 201.385 - Industrial measuring and regulating station equipment.
§ 201.386 - Other property on customers’ premises.
§ 201.387 - Other equipment.
§ 201.389 - Land and land rights.
§ 201.390 - Structures and improvements.
§ 201.391 - Office furniture and equipment.
§ 201.392 - Transportation equipment.
§ 201.393 - Stores equipment.
§ 201.394 - Tools, shop and garage equipment.
§ 201.395 - Laboratory equipment.
§ 201.396 - Power operated equipment.
§ 201.397 - Communication equipment.
§ 201.398 - Miscellaneous equipment.
§ 201.399 - Other tangible property.
§ 201.400 - Operating revenues.
§ 201.401 - Operation expense.
§ 201.402 - Maintenance expense.
§ 201.403 - Depreciation expense.
§ 201.405 - Amortization of other gas plant.
§ 201.406 - Amortization of gas plant acquisition adjustments.
§ 201.408 - [Reserved]
§ 201.409 - [Reserved]
§ 201.410 - [Reserved]
§ 201.411 - [Reserved]
§ 201.412 - Revenues from gas plant leased to others.
§ 201.413 - Expenses of gas plant leased to others.
§ 201.414 - Other utility operating income.
§ 201.415 - Revenues from merchandising, jobbing and contract work.
§ 201.416 - Costs and expenses of merchandising, jobbing and contract work.
§ 201.417 - Revenues from nonutility operations.
§ 201.418 - Nonoperating rental income.
§ 201.419 - Interest and dividend income.
§ 201.420 - Investment tax credits.
§ 201.421 - Miscellaneous nonoperating income.
§ 201.425 - Miscellaneous amortization.
§ 201.427 - Interest on long-term debt.
§ 201.428 - Amortization of debt discount and expense.
§ 201.429 - Amortization of premium on debt—Credit.
§ 201.430 - Interest on debt to associated companies.
§ 201.431 - Other interest expense.
§ 201.432 - Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction—Credit.
§ 201.433 - Balance transferred from income.
§ 201.434 - Extraordinary income.
§ 201.435 - Extraordinary deductions.
§ 201.436 - Appropriations of retained earnings.
§ 201.437 - Dividends declared—preferred stock.
§ 201.438 - Dividends declared—common stock.
§ 201.439 - Adjustments to retained earnings.
§ 201.480 - Residential sales.
§ 201.481 - Commercial and industrial sales.
§ 201.482 - Other sales to public authorities.
§ 201.483 - Sales for resale.
§ 201.484 - Interdepartmental sales.
§ 201.485 - Intracompany transfers
§ 201.487 - Forfeited discounts.
§ 201.488 - Miscellaneous service revenues.
§ 201.490 - Sales of products extracted from natural gas.
§ 201.491 - Revenues from natural gas processed by others.
§ 201.492 - Incidental gasoline and oil sales.
§ 201.493 - Rent from gas property.
§ 201.494 - Interdepartmental rents.
§ 201.495 - Other gas revenues.
§ 201.496 - Provision for rate refunds.
§ 201.700 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.701 - Operation labor.
§ 201.702 - Boiler fuel.
§ 201.703 - Miscellaneous steam expenses.
§ 201.704 - Steam transferred—Credit.
§ 201.705 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.706 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.707 - Maintenance of boiler plant equipment.
§ 201.708 - Maintenance of other steam production plant.
§ 201.710 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.711 - Steam expenses.
§ 201.712 - Other power expenses.
§ 201.713 - Coke oven expenses.
§ 201.714 - Producer gas expenses.
§ 201.715 - Water gas generating expenses.
§ 201.716 - Oil gas generating expenses.
§ 201.717 - Liquefied petroleum gas expenses.
§ 201.718 - Other process production expenses.
§ 201.719 - Fuel under coke ovens.
§ 201.720 - Producer gas fuel.
§ 201.721 - Water gas generator fuel.
§ 201.722 - Fuel for oil gas.
§ 201.723 - Fuel for liquefied petroleum gas process.
§ 201.724 - Other gas fuels.
§ 201.725 - Coal carbonized in coke ovens.
§ 201.726 - Oil for water gas.
§ 201.727 - Oil for oil gas.
§ 201.728 - Liquefied petroleum gas.
§ 201.729 - Raw materials for other gas processes.
§ 201.730 - Residuals expenses.
§ 201.731 - Residuals produced—Credit.
§ 201.732 - Purification expenses.
§ 201.733 - Gas mixing expenses.
§ 201.734 - Duplicate charges—Credit.
§ 201.735 - Miscellaneous production expenses.
§ 201.736 - Rents.
§ 201.740 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.741 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.742 - Maintenance of production equipment.
§ 201.750 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.751 - Production maps and records.
§ 201.752 - Gas wells expenses.
§ 201.753 - Field lines expenses.
§ 201.754 - Field compressor station expenses.
§ 201.755 - Field compressor station fuel and power.
§ 201.756 - Field measuring and regulating station expenses.
§ 201.757 - Purification expenses.
§ 201.758 - Gas well royalties.
§ 201.759 - Other expenses.
§ 201.760 - Rents.
§ 201.761 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.762 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.763 - Maintenance of producing gas wells.
§ 201.764 - Maintenance of field lines.
§ 201.765 - Maintenance of field compressor station equipment.
§ 201.766 - Maintenance of field measuring and regulating station equipment.
§ 201.767 - Maintenance of purification equipment.
§ 201.768 - Maintenance of drilling and cleaning equipment.
§ 201.769 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 201.770 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.771 - Operation labor.
§ 201.772 - Gas shrinkage.
§ 201.773 - Fuel.
§ 201.774 - Power.
§ 201.775 - Materials.
§ 201.776 - Operation supplies and expenses.
§ 201.777 - Gas processed by others.
§ 201.778 - Royalties on products extracted.
§ 201.779 - Marketing expenses.
§ 201.780 - Products purchased for resale.
§ 201.781 - Variation in products inventory.
§ 201.782 - Extracted products used by the utility—Credit.
§ 201.783 - Rents.
§ 201.784 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.785 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.786 - Maintenance of extraction and refining equipment.
§ 201.787 - Maintenance of pipe lines.
§ 201.788 - Maintenance of extracted products storage equipment.
§ 201.789 - Maintenance of compressor equipment.
§ 201.790 - Maintenance of gas measuring and regulating equipment.
§ 201.791 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 201.795 - Delay rentals.
§ 201.796 - Nonproductive well drilling.
§ 201.797 - Abandoned leases.
§ 201.798 - Other exploration.
§ 201.800 - Natural gas well head purchases.
§ 201.801 - Natural gas field line purchases.
§ 201.802 - Natural gas gasoline plant outlet purchases.
§ 201.803 - Natural gas transmission line purchases.
§ 201.804 - Natural gas city gate purchases.
§ 201.805 - Other gas purchases.
§ 201.806 - Exchange gas.
§ 201.807 - Purchased gas expenses.
§ 201.810 - Gas used for compressor station fuel—Credit.
§ 201.811 - Gas used for products extraction—Credit.
§ 201.812 - Gas used for other utility operations—Credit.
§ 201.813 - Other gas supply expenses.
§ 201.814 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.815 - Maps and records.
§ 201.816 - Wells expenses.
§ 201.817 - Lines expenses.
§ 201.818 - Compressor station expenses.
§ 201.819 - Compressor station fuel and power.
§ 201.820 - Measuring and regulating station expenses.
§ 201.821 - Purification expenses.
§ 201.822 - Exploration and development.
§ 201.823 - Gas losses.
§ 201.824 - Other expenses.
§ 201.825 - Storage well royalties.
§ 201.826 - Rents.
§ 201.830 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.831 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.832 - Maintenance of reservoirs and wells.
§ 201.833 - Maintenance of lines.
§ 201.834 - Maintenance of compressor station equipment.
§ 201.835 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating station equipment.
§ 201.836 - Maintenance of purification equipment.
§ 201.837 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 201.840 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.841 - Operation labor and expenses.
§ 201.842 - Rents.
§ 201.850 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.851 - System control and load dispatching.
§ 201.852 - Communication system expenses.
§ 201.853 - Compressor station labor and expenses.
§ 201.854 - Gas for compressor station fuel.
§ 201.855 - Other fuel and power for compressor stations.
§ 201.856 - Mains expenses.
§ 201.857 - Measuring and regulating station expenses.
§ 201.858 - Transmission and compression of gas by others.
§ 201.859 - Other expenses.
§ 201.860 - Rents.
§ 201.861 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.862 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.863 - Maintenance of mains.
§ 201.864 - Maintenance of compressor station equipment.
§ 201.865 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating station equipment.
§ 201.866 - Maintenance of communication equipment.
§ 201.867 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 201.870 - Operation supervision and engineering.
§ 201.871 - Distribution load dispatching.
§ 201.872 - Compressor station labor and expenses.
§ 201.873 - Compressor station fuel and power (Major only).
§ 201.874 - Mains and services expenses.
§ 201.875 - Measuring and regulating station expenses—General.
§ 201.876 - Measuring and regulating station expenses—Industrial.
§ 201.877 - Measuring and regulating station expenses—City gate check stations.
§ 201.878 - Meter and house regulator expenses.
§ 201.879 - Customer installations expenses.
§ 201.880 - Other expenses.
§ 201.881 - Rents.
§ 201.885 - Maintenance supervision and engineering.
§ 201.886 - Maintenance of structures and improvements.
§ 201.887 - Maintenance of mains.
§ 201.888 - Maintenance of compressor station equipment.
§ 201.889 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating station equipment—General.
§ 201.890 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating station equipment—Industrial.
§ 201.891 - Maintenance of measuring and regulating station equipment—City gate check stations.
§ 201.892 - Maintenance of services.
§ 201.893 - Maintenance of meters and house regulators.
§ 201.894 - Maintenance of other equipment.
§ 201.901 - Supervision.
§ 201.902 - Meter reading expenses.
§ 201.903 - Customer records and collection expenses.
§ 201.904 - Uncollectible accounts.
§ 201.905 - Miscellaneous customer accounts expenses.
§ 201.907 - Supervision.
§ 201.908 - Customer assistance expenses.
§ 201.909 - Informational and instructional advertising expenses.
§ 201.910 - Miscellaneous customer service and informational expenses.
§ 201.911 - Supervision.
§ 201.912 - Demonstrating and selling expenses.
§ 201.913 - Advertising expenses.
§ 201.916 - Miscellaneous sales expenses.
§ 201.920 - Administrative and general salaries.
§ 201.921 - Office supplies and expenses.
§ 201.922 - Administrative expenses transferred—Credit.
§ 201.923 - Outside services employed.
§ 201.924 - Property insurance.
§ 201.925 - Injuries and damages.
§ 201.926 - Employee pensions and benefits.
§ 201.927 - Franchise requirements.
§ 201.928 - Regulatory commission expenses.
§ 201.929 - Duplicate charges—Credit.
§ 201.931 - Rents.
§ 201.932 - Maintenance of general plant.
§§ 201.112--201.113 - [Reserved]
§§ 201.914--201.915 - [Reserved]