Chapter II—Railroad Retirement Board  

Parts 376--399 - [Reserved]
SubChapter A — General Administration
Part 200 - General Administration
SubChapter B—Regulations Under the Railroad Retirement Act
Part 201 - Definitions
Part 202 - Employers Under the Act
Part 203 - Employees Under the Act
Part 204 - Employment Relation
Part 205 - Employee Representative
Part 206 - Account Benefits Ratio
Part 209 - Railroad Employers' Reports and Responsibilities
Part 210 - Creditable Railroad Service
Part 211 - Creditable Railroad Compensation
Part 212 - Military Service
Part 216 - Eligibility for an Annuity
Part 217 - Application for Annuity or Lump Sum
Part 218 - Annuity Beginning and Ending Dates
Part 219 - Evidence Required for Payment
Part 220 - Determining Disability
Part 221 - Jurisdiction Determinations
Part 222 - Family Relationships
Part 225 - Primary Insurance Amount Determinations
Part 226 - Computing Employee, Spouse, and Divorced Spouse Annuities
Part 227 - Computing Supplemental Annuities
Part 228 - Computation of Survivor Annuities
Part 229 - Social Security Overall Minimum Guarantee
Part 230 - Months Annuities Not Payable by Reason of Work
Part 233 - Reduction in the Windfall Benefit Annuity Component
Part 234 - Lump-Sum Payments
Part 235 - Payment of Social Security Benefits by the Railroad Retirement Board
Part 243 - Transfer, Assignment, or Waiver of Payments
Part 250 - [Reserved]
Part 255 - Recovery of Overpayments
Part 258 - Hearings Before the Board or Designated Examiners
Part 259 - Initial Determinations and Appeals from Initial Determinations With Respect to Employer Status and Employee Status
Part 260 - Requests for Reconsideration and Appeals Within the Board
Part 261 - Administrative Finality
Part 262 - [Reserved]
Part 266 - Representative Payment
Part 295 - Payments Pursuant to Court Decree or Court-Approved Property Settlement
Parts 236--240 - [Reserved]
SubChapter C - Regulations Under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act
Part 300 - Definitions
Part 301 - Employers Under the Act
Part 302 - Qualified Employee
Part 319 - Procedure for Determining Liability for Contributions or Repayments of Benefits
Part 320 - Initial Determinations Under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act and Reviews of and Appeals from Such Determinations
Part 321 - Electronic Filing of Applications and Claims for Benefits Under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act
Part 322 - Remuneration
Part 323 - Nongovernmental Plans for Unemployment or Sickness Insurance
Part 325 - Registration for Railroad Unemployment Benefits
Part 327 - Available for Work
Part 330 - Determination of Daily Benefit Rates
Part 332 - Mileage or Work Restrictions and Stand-by or Lay-over Rules
Part 335 - Sickness Benefits
Part 336 - Duration of Normal and Extended Benefits
Part 337 - [Reserved]
Part 340 - Recovery of Benefits
Part 341 - Statutory Lien Where Sickness Benefits Paid
Part 344 - [Reserved]
Part 345 - Employers' Contributions and Contribution Reports
Part 346 - Railroad Hiring
Part 348 - Representative Payment
Part 349 - Finality of Decisions Regarding Unemployment and Sickness Insurance Benefits
SubChapter D - Garnishment of Benefits
Part 350 - Garnishment of Benefits Paid Under the Railroad Retirement Act, the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and Under Any Other Act Administered by the Board
SubChapter E - Administrative Remedies for Fraudulent Claims or Statements
Part 355 - Regulations Under the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986
Part 356 - Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment
SubChapter F - Internal Administration, Policy and Procedures
Part 360 - [Reserved]
Part 361 - Recovery of Debts Owed to the United States Government by Government Employees
Part 362 - Employees' Personal Property Claims
Part 363 - Garnishment of Remuneration of Board Personnel
Part 364 - Use of Penalty Mail to Assist in the Location and Recovery of Missing Children
Part 365 - Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Railroad Retirement Board
Part 366 - Collection of Debts by Federal Tax Refund Offset
Part 367 - Recovery of Debts Owed to the United States Government by Administrative Offset
Part 368 - Prohibition of Cigarette Sales to Minors
Part 369 - Use of the Seal of the Railroad Retirement Board
SubChapter G - XXX
SubChapter H - Emergency Regulations
Part 375 - Plan of Operation During a National Emergency
SubChapter I - XXX