Subpart C - Computing Primary Insurance Amounts  

Recalculations of Primary Insurance Amounts
§ 404.290 - Recalculations.
Special Computation Rules for People Who Had a Period of Disability
§ 404.250 - Special computation rules for people who had a period of disability.
§ 404.251 - Subsequent entitlement to benefits less than 12 months after entitlement to disability benefits ended.
§ 404.252 - Subsequent entitlement to benefits 12 months or more after entitlement to disability benefits ended.
Cost-of-Living Increases
§ 404.270 - Cost-of-living increases.
§ 404.271 - When automatic cost-of-living increases apply.
§ 404.272 - Indexes we use to measure the rise in the cost-of-living.
§ 404.273 - When are automatic cost-of-living increases effective?
§ 404.274 - What are the measuring periods we use to calculate cost-of-living increases?
§ 404.275 - How is an automatic cost-of-living increase calculated?
§ 404.276 - Publication of notice of increase.
§ 404.277 - When does the frozen minimum primary insurance amount increase because of cost-of-living adjustments?
§ 404.278 - Additional cost-of-living increase.
Recomputing Your Primary Insurance Amount
§ 404.280 - Recomputations.
§ 404.281 - Why your primary insurance amount may be recomputed.
§ 404.282 - Effective date of recomputations.
§ 404.283 - Recomputation under method other than that used to find your primary insurance amount.
§ 404.284 - Recomputations for people who reach age 62, or become disabled, or die before age 62 after 1978.
§ 404.285 - Recomputations performed automatically.
§ 404.286 - How to request an immediate recomputation.
§ 404.287 - Waiver of recomputation.
§ 404.288 - Recomputing when you are entitled to a monthly pension based on noncovered employment.
Average-Indexed-Monthly-Earnings Method of Computing Primary Insurance Amounts
§ 404.210 - Average-indexed-monthly-earnings method.
§ 404.211 - Computing your average indexed monthly earnings.
§ 404.212 - Computing your primary insurance amount from your average indexed monthly earnings.
§ 404.213 - Computation where you are eligible for a pension based on your noncovered employment.
Average-Monthly-Wage Method of Computing Primary Insurance Amounts
§ 404.220 - Average-monthly-wage method.
§ 404.221 - Computing your average monthly wage.
§ 404.222 - Use of benefit table in finding your primary insurance amount from your average monthly wage.
Guaranteed Alternative for People Reaching Age 62 After 1978 but Before 1984
§ 404.230 - Guaranteed alternative.
§ 404.231 - Steps in computing your primary insurance amount under the guaranteed alternative - general.
§ 404.232 - Computing your average monthly wage under the guaranteed alternative.
§ 404.233 - Adjustment of your guaranteed alternative when you become entitled after age 62.
Average-Indexed-Monthly Earnings Method of Computing Primary Insurance Amounts
§ 404.201 - What is included in this subpart?
§ 404.202 - Other regulations related to this subpart.
§ 404.203 - Definitions.
§ 404.204 - Methods of computing primary insurance amounts - general.
Old-Start Method of Computing Primary Insurance Amounts
§ 404.240 - Old-start method - general.
§ 404.241 - 1977 simplified old-start method.
§ 404.242 - Use of old-start primary insurance amount as guaranteed alternative.
§ 404.243 - Computation where you are eligible for a pension based on noncovered employment.
Special Minimum Primary Insurance Amounts
§ 404.260 - Special minimum primary insurance amounts.
§ 404.261 - Computing your special minimum primary insurance amount.
Appendixes to Subpart C - [Reserved]
Appendixes to Subpart C of Part 404 - Note
Appendix I to Subpart C of Part 404 - Average of the Total Wages for Years After 1950
Appendix V of Subpart C of Part 404 - Computing the Special Minimum Primary Insurance Amount and Related Maximum Family Benefits
Appendix V to Subpart C of Part 404 - Computing the Special Minimum Primary Insurance Amount and Related Maximum Family Benefits
Appendix II of Subpart C of Part 404 - Benefit Formulas Used With Average Indexed Monthly Earnings
Appendix IV of Subpart C of Part 404 - Earnings Needed for a Year of Coverage After 1950
Appendix II to Subpart C of Part 404 - Benefit Formulas Used With Average Indexed Monthly Earnings
Appendix IV to Subpart C of Part 404 - Earnings Needed for a Year of Coverage After 1950
Appendix VI of Subpart C of Part 404 - Percentage of Automatic Increases in Primary Insurance Amounts Since 1978
Appendix VI to Subpart C of Part 404 - Percentage of Automatic Increases in Primary Insurance Amounts Since 1978
Appendix III of Subpart C of Part 404 - Benefit Table
Appendix III to Subpart C of Part 404 - Benefit Table
Appendix VII of Subpart C of Part 404 - “Old-Law” Contribution and Benefit Base
Appendix VII to Subpart C of Part 404 - “Old-Law” Contribution and Benefit Base