§ 140.13 - Notification to foreign entities and individuals.  

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  • § 140.13 Notification to foreign entities and individuals.

    (a) Unless otherwise determined under § 140.13(b), if a determination has been made that assistance to a foreign entity or individual is to be withheld, suspended, or terminated under this part, the agency administering such assistance shall so inform the affected entity or individual. Except as the agency administering such assistance, the Country Narcotics Coordinator, and the agency or agencies that are the source of information that formed the basis for withholding, suspending, or terminating assistance may otherwise agree, the entity or individual shall be notified solely of the statutory basis for withholding, suspending, or terminating assistance.

    (b) Before such notification, the Country Narcotics Coordinator shall be responsible for ascertaining, in coordination with the investigating agency, that notification would not interfere with an on-going criminal investigation. If the investigating agency believes that there is a significant risk of such interference, the Country Narcotics Coordinator, in coordination with the investigating agency, shall determine the means of compliance with this statute that best minimizes such risk.