§ 1422.4 - Investigation of petition and posting of notice of petition; action by Regional Director.  

Latest version.
  • § 1422.4 Investigation of petition and posting of notice of petition; action by Regional Director.

    (a) Upon the request of the Regional Director, after the filing of a petition, the Department shall post copies of a notice to all employees in places where notices are normally posted affecting the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112.

    (b) Such notice shall set forth:

    (1) The name of the petitioner;

    (2) The description of the unit;

    (3) If appropriate, the proposed clarification of unit or the proposed amendment of recognition or certification; and

    (4) A statement that all interested parties are to advise the Regional Director in writing of their interest and position within twenty (20) days after the date of posting of such notice: Provided, however, That the notice in a petition for determination of eligibility for dues allotment shall contain the information required in paragraphs (a) (1), (2), and (4) of this section.

    (c) The notice shall remain posted for a period of twenty (20) days. The notice shall be posted conspicuously and shall not be covered by other material, altered or defaced.

    (d) The Department shall furnish the Regional Director and all known interested parties with the following:

    (1) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of all labor organizations known to represent any of the employees in the unit described in 22 U.S.C. 4112;

    (2) A copy of all relevant correspondence;

    (3) A copy of existing or recently expired agreement(s) covering any of the employees described in the petition;

    (4) A current alphabetized list of employees included in the unit, together with their job classifications; and

    (5) A current alphabetized list of employees described in the petition as excluded from the unit, together with their job classifications.

    (e) The parties are expected to meet as soon as possible after the expiration of the twenty (20) day posting period of the notice of petition as provided in paragraph (a) of this section and use their best efforts to secure agreement on the unit.

    (f) The Regional Director shall make such investigation as the Regional Director deems necessary and thereafter shall take action which may consist of the following, as appropriate:

    (1) Approve an agreement for consent election in the unit as provided under § 1422.7;

    (2) Approve a withdrawal request;

    (3) Dismiss the petition; or

    (4) Issue a notice of hearing.

    (g) In processing a petition for clarification of unit or for amendment of recognition or certification, or dues allotment, where appropriate, the Regional Director shall prepare and serve a report and findings upon all parties to the proceedings and shall state therein, among other pertinent matters, the Regional Director's conclusions and the action contemplated. A party may file with the Board a request for review of such action of the Regional Director in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1422.6(d). If no request for review is filed, or if one is filed and denied, the Regional Director shall take such action as may be appropriate, which may include issuing a clarification of unit or an amendment of recognition or certification, or determination of eligibility for dues allotment.

    (h) A determination by the Regional Director to issue a notice of hearing shall not be subject to review by the Board.