Part 710 - Right-of-Way and Real Estate  

Subpart A - General
§ 710.101 - Purpose.
§ 710.103 - Applicability.
§ 710.105 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Program Administration
§ 710.201 - Grantee and subgrantee responsibilities.
§ 710.202 - Applicability.
§ 710.203 - Title 23 funding and reimbursement.
§ 710.204 - State approvals.
§ 710.205 - Right-of-way manuals.
Subpart C - Project Development
§ 710.301 - General.
§ 710.302 - Applicability.
§ 710.303 - Project authorization and agreements.
§ 710.304 - Reimbursement policy.
§ 710.305 - Acquisition.
§ 710.306 - Withholding Federal participation.
§ 710.307 - Construction advertising.
§ 710.309 - Design-build projects.
§ 710.311 - Construction advertising.
§ 710.313 - Design-build projects.
Subpart D - Real Property Management
§ 710.401 - General.
§ 710.403 - Management.
§ 710.405 - ROW use agreements.
§ 710.407 - [Reserved]
§ 710.409 - Disposal of excess real property.
Subpart E - Property Acquisition Alternatives
§ 710.501 - Early acquisition.
§ 710.503 - Protective buying and hardship acquisition.
§ 710.505 - Real property donations.
§ 710.507 - State and local contributions.
§ 710.509 - Functional replacement of real property in public ownership.
§ 710.511 - Transportation Alternatives.
§ 710.513 - Environmental mitigation.
Subpart F - Federal Assistance Programs
§ 710.601 - Federal land transfers.
§ 710.603 - Direct Federal acquisition.
Subpart G - Concession Agreements
§ 710.701 - Purpose.
§ 710.703 - Definitions.
§ 710.705 - Applicability.
§ 710.707 - Fair market value.
§ 710.709 - Determination of fair market value.