Subpart A - Eligibility Requirements—Homes for Lower Income Families
§ 235.1 - Applicability of regulations.
Subpart B - Contract Rights and Obligations—Homes for Lower Income Families
§ 235.201 - Cross-reference.
§ 235.202 - Amount of initial MIP.
§ 235.204 - Amount of annual MIP.
§ 235.205 - Deed in lieu of foreclosure.
§ 235.206 - Substitute mortgagors.
§ 235.215 - Method of paying insurance benefits.
§ 235.220 - Condition of property.
Special Provisions Applicable Only to Mortgages Involving Condominium Units
§ 235.221 - Waived title objections.
§ 235.225 - Changes in plan of apartment ownership.
§ 235.230 - Condition of multifamily structure.
§ 235.235 - Certificate or statement of condition.
§ 235.240 - Assessment of taxes.
§ 235.245 - Certificate of tax assessment.
§ 235.250 - Cancellation of property insurance.
Subpart C - Assistance Payments—Homes for Lower Income Families
§ 235.301 - Definitions.
§ 235.305 - Contract for assistance payments.
§ 235.310 - Execution of assistance payment contract.
§ 235.315 - Qualified homeowners.
§ 235.320 - Limitation of sales price.
§ 235.325 - Qualified cooperative members.
§ 235.330 - Cooperative unit eligible for assistance payments.
§ 235.331 - Increased maximum mortgage amount for physically handicapped persons.
§ 235.335 - Assistance payments and handling charges.
§ 235.340 - Time of payments.
§ 235.345 - Term of assistance contract.
§ 235.350 - Mortgagor's required recertification.
§ 235.355 - Mortgagor's optional recertification.
§ 235.360 - Adjustment in assistance payments.
§ 235.361 - Recovery of assistance payments.
§ 235.365 - Mortgagee records.
§ 235.370 - Effect of assignment of mortgage with an assistance payment contract.
§ 235.375 - Termination, suspension, or reinstatement of the assistance payments contract.
§ 235.499 - Effect of amendments.
Subpart D - Rehabilitation Sales Projects
§ 235.501 - Applicability of regulations.
Subpart G - Servicing Responsibilities—Homes for Lower Income Families
§ 235.1000 - Cross-reference.
§ 235.1001 - Providing information.
Subpart H - Eligibility Requirements: Contract Rights and Obligations; Assistance Payments Contracts; Servicing Responsibilities—Refinancing Mortgages Under Section 235(r) of the National Housing Act
Contract Rights and Obligations
§ 235.1222 - Cross-reference.
Eligibility Requirements; Direct Endorsement
§ 235.1200 - Authority.
§ 235.1202 - Cross-reference.
§ 235.1206 - Definitions used in this subpart.
§ 235.1208 - Eligible mortgagors.
§ 235.1210 - Recapture of assistance payments.
§ 235.1212 - Mortgage provisions.
§ 235.1214 - Mortgage lien.
§ 235.1216 - Late charge.
§ 235.1218 - Additional eligibility requirements.
§ 235.1220 - Processing section 235(r) mortgages under the direct endorsement program.
Contract for Assistance Payments
§ 235.1224 - Cross-reference.
§ 235.1226 - Additional provisions of the assistance payment contracts for section 235(r).
§ 235.1228 - Termination of assistance payments contracts on mortgages to be refinanced.
§ 235.1230 - Execution of assistance payment contract.
§ 235.1232 - Eligibility for assistance payments.
§ 235.1234 - Term of assistance payment contract in connection with mortgages insured under section 235(r) of the Act.
§ 235.1236 - Recapture of assistance payments.
Servicing Responsibilities
§ 235.1238 - Cross-reference.