Part 93 - Housing Trust Fund  

Subpart A - General
§ 93.1 - Overview.
§ 93.2 - Definitions.
§ 93.3 - Waivers.
Subpart B - Allocation Formula; Reallocations
§ 93.50 - Formula allocation.
§ 93.51 - Formula factors.
§ 93.52 - Minimum allocations.
§ 93.53 - Federal Register notice of formula allocations.
§ 93.54 - Reallocations by formula.
Subpart C - Participation and Submission Requirements; Distribution of Assistance
§ 93.100 - Participation and submission requirements.
§ 93.101 - Distribution of assistance.
Subpart D - Program Requirements
§ 93.150 - Site and neighborhood standards.
§ 93.151 - Income determinations.
Subpart E - Eligible and Prohibited Activities
§ 93.200 - Eligible activities: General.
§ 93.201 - Eligible project costs.
§ 93.202 - Eligible administrative and planning costs.
§ 93.203 - HTF funds and public housing.
§ 93.204 - Prohibited activities and fees.
Subpart F - Income Targeting
§ 93.250 - Income targeting.
Subpart G - Project Requirements
§ 93.300 - Maximum per-unit development subsidy amount, underwriting, and subsidy layering.
§ 93.301 - Property standards.
§ 93.302 - Qualification as affordable housing: rental housing.
§ 93.303 - Tenant protections and selection.
§ 93.304 - Qualification as affordable housing: Homeownership.
§ 93.305 - Qualification as affordable housing: modest housing requirements for homeownership; resale or recapture requirements.
Subpart H - Other Federal Requirements
§ 93.350 - Other federal requirements and nondiscrimination; affirmative marketing.
§ 93.351 - Lead-based paint.
§ 93.352 - Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.
§ 93.353 - Conflict of interest.
§ 93.354 - Funding Accountability and Transparency Act.
§ 93.355 - Eminent domain.
§ 93.356 - VAWA requirements.
Subpart I - Program Administration
§ 93.400 - Housing Trust Fund (HTF) accounts.
§ 93.401 - HTF grant agreement.
§ 93.402 - Program disbursement and information system.
§ 93.403 - Program income and repayments.
§ 93.404 - Grantee responsibilities; written agreements; onsite inspections; financial oversight.
§ 93.405 - Applicability of uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audits.
§ 93.406 - Audits.
§ 93.407 - Recordkeeping.
§ 93.408 - Performance reports.
Subpart J - Performance Reviews and Sanctions
§ 93.450 - Accountability of recipients.
§ 93.451 - Performance reviews.
§ 93.452 - Corrective and remedial actions.
§ 93.453 - Notice and opportunity for hearing; sanctions.