§ 570.430 - Hawaii program operation requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Limitation on planning and administrative costs. For grants made with allocations prior to FY 1995, no more than 20 percent of the sum of the grant plus program income received during the grant period shall be expended for planning and program administrative costs. For grants received from allocations in FY 1995 and thereafter, a grantee will be considered to be in conformance with the requirements of § 570.200(g) if funds obligated for planning and administration during the most recently completed program year do not exceed 20 percent of the sum of the grant made for that program year and the program income received from post FY 1994 grants during that program year.

    (b) Performance and evaluation reports. Grantees will follow the requirements of § 570.507(a) for entitlement grant recipients for all grants received in FY 1995 and thereafter. Grantees will continue following the requirements of § 570.507(a) for HUD-administered small cities grants for grants received prior to FY 1995 until those grants are closed out.

    (c) Grant closeouts. Grants received prior to FY 1995 shall be closed out in accordance with the procedures in § 570.509. Grants received in FY 1995 and thereafter shall not be closed out individually. A grantee's entire program shall be closed upon program completion if a grantee ceases its participation in the Small Cities Program.

    (d) Public Services. Starting with the FY 1996 grant, grantees may follow the provisions of § 570.201(e)(1) that refer to entitlement grantees, allowing grantees to use 15 percent of the program income received in the previous program year in addition to 15 percent of the grant amount for public services.

    (e) Compliance with the primary objective. Starting with the FY 1995 grant, grantees may select a time period of one, two or three program years in which to meet the requirement that not less than 70 percent of the aggregate of CDBG fund expenditures be for activities benefitting low- and moderate- income persons. Grants made from allocations prior to FY 1995 will be considered individually for meeting the primary objective, and expenditures for grants from pre-FY 1995 allocations made during and after FY 1995 will not be considered in determining whether the primary objective has been met for post-1994 allocations. If the State of Hawaii decides to administer the Community Development Block Grant Program for nonentitlement units of general local government in Hawaii, the State will be bound by the time period for meeting the primary objective that was chosen by each nonentitlement grantee within the State until those time periods have expired.

    (f) Program amendments for grants received prior to FY 1995. Grantees must follow the requirements of 24 CFR 91.505 when amending their program with regard to grants received prior to FY 1995. For purposes of this paragraph (f), the term consolidated plan as used in 24 CFR 91.505 means an application submitted under the Hawaii program for pre-FY 1995 funds. Also for purposes of this paragraph (f), to comply with the requirements of 24 CFR 91.505, grantees must refer to their current citizen participation plans (adopted in accordance with 24 CFR 91.505) to determine the criteria for substantial amendment and the citizen participation process to be followed.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0020.)