§ 902.24 - [Reserved]  

Latest version.
  • § 902.24 Database adjustment.

    (a) Adjustments for factors not reflected or inappropriately reflected in physical condition score. Under circumstances described in this section, HUD may determine it is appropriate to review the results of a project's physical inspection that are unusual or incorrect due to facts and circumstances affecting the PHA's project that are not reflected in the inspection or that are reflected inappropriately in the inspection.

    (1) The circumstances described in this section are not the circumstances that may be addressed by the technical review process described in § 902.68. The circumstances addressed in this paragraph (a)(1) of this section may include inconsistencies between local code requirements and the HUD physical inspection protocol; conditions that are permitted by local variance or license or which are preexisting physical features that do not conform to, or are inconsistent with, HUD's physical condition protocol; or the project or PHA having been scored for elements (e.g., roads, sidewalks, mail boxes, resident-owned appliances, etc.) that it does not own and is not responsible for maintaining. To qualify for an adjustment on this basis, the project or PHA must have notified the proper authorities regarding the deficient element.

    (2) An adjustment due to these circumstances may be initiated by a project or PHA's notification to the applicable HUD field office, and such notification shall include appropriate proof of the reasons for the unusual or incorrect result. Projects and PHAs may submit the request for this adjustment either prior to or after the physical inspection has been concluded. If the request is made after the conclusion of the physical inspection, the request must be made within 45 days of issuance of the project's or PHA's physical condition score. Based on the recommendation of the applicable HUD office following its review of the project evidence or documentation submitted by the project or PHA, HUD may determine that a reinspection and/or rescoring of the project or PHA is necessary.

    (b) Adjustments for adverse conditions beyond the control of the PHA. Under certain circumstances, HUD may determine that certain deficiencies that adversely and significantly affect the physical condition score of the project were caused by circumstances beyond the control of the PHA. The correction of these conditions, however, remains the responsibility of the PHA.

    (1) The circumstances addressed by this paragraph (b)(1) may include, but are not limited to, damage caused by third parties (such as a private entity or public entity undertaking work near a public housing project that results in damage to the project) or natural disasters. The circumstances addressed in this paragraph (b)(1) are not those addressed by the technical review process in § 902.68.

    (2) To adjust a physical condition score based on circumstances addressed in this paragraph, the PHA must submit a request to the applicable HUD field office requesting a reinspection or rescoring of the PHA's project(s) dependent on the severity of the deficiency. The request must be submitted within 45 days of the issuance of the physical condition score to the PHA. If the PHA is requesting a reinspection, the request must be accompanied by a certification that all deficiencies identified in the original report have been corrected. Based on the recommendation of the applicable HUD office following its review of the project's or PHA's evidence or documentation, HUD may determine that a reinspection and rescoring of the PHA's project(s) is necessary.

    (c) Adjustments for modernization work in progress. HUD may determine that occupied dwelling units or other areas of a PHA's project, which are subject to physical inspection under this subpart, and which are undergoing modernization work, require an adjustment to the physical condition score.

    (1) An occupied dwelling unit or other areas of a PHA's project undergoing modernization are subject to physical inspection; the unit(s) and other areas of the PHA's project are not exempt from physical inspection. All elements of the unit or of the other areas of the PHA's project that are subject to inspection and are not undergoing modernization at the time of the inspection (even if modernization is planned) will be subject to HUD's physical inspection protocol without adjustment. For those elements of the unit or of the project that are undergoing modernization, deficiencies will be noted in accordance with HUD's physical inspection protocol, but the project or PHA may request adjustment of the physical condition score as a result of modernization work in progress.

    (2) An adjustment due to modernization work in progress may be initiated by a project's or PHA's notification to the applicable HUD field office, and the notification shall include supporting documentation of the modernization work under way at the time of the physical inspection. A project or PHA may submit the request for this adjustment either prior to or after the physical inspection has been concluded. If the request is made after the conclusion of the physical inspection, the request must be made within 45 days of issuance of the physical condition score. Based on the recommendation of the applicable HUD office, HUD may determine that a reinspection and rescoring of the PHA's project(s) are necessary.
