Chapter I—Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior  

SubChapter A—Procedures and Practice
Part 1 - Applicability of Rules of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Part 2 - Appeals from Administrative Decisions
Part 5 - Preference in Employment
SubChapter B - Law and Order
Part 10 - Indian Country Detention Facilities and Programs
Part 11 - Courts of Indian Offenses and Law and Order Code
Part 12 - Indian Country Law Enforcement
Part 13 - Tribal Reassumption of Jurisdiction over Child Custody Proceedings
SubChapter C — Probate
Part 15 - Probate of Indian Estates, Except for Members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes
Part 16 - Estates of Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes
Part 17 - Action on Wills of Osage Indians
Part 18 - Tribal Probate Codes
SubChapter D - Human Services
Part 20 - Financial Assistance and Social Services Programs
Part 23 - Indian Child Welfare Act
Part 26 - Job Placement and Training Program
SubChapter E - Education
Part 30 - Standards, Assessments, and Accountability System
Part 31 - Federal Schools for Indians
Part 32 - Indian Education Policies
Part 33 - Transfer of Indian Education Functions
Part 36 - Minimum Academic Standards for the Basic Education of Indian Children and National Criteria for Dormitory Situations
Part 37 - Geographic Boundaries
Part 38 - Education Personnel
Part 39 - The Indian School Equalization Program
Part 40 - Administration of Educational Loans, Grants and Other Assistance for Higher Education
Part 41 - Grants to Tribal Colleges and Universities and Diné College
Part 42 - Student Rights
Part 43 - Maintenance and Control of Student Records in Bureau Schools
Part 44 - Grants Under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act
Part 46 - Adult Education Program
Part 47 - Uniform Direct Funding and Support for Bureau-Operated Schools
Part 48 - Leases of Land or Facilities of Bureau-Operated Schools and Fundraising Activities at Bureau-Operated Schools
SubChapter F - Tribal Government
Part 61 - Preparation of Rolls of Indians
Part 62 - Enrollment Appeals
Part 63 - Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention
Part 67 - Preparation of a Roll of Independent Seminole Indians of Florida
Part 75 - Revision of the Membership Roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina
Part 81 - Secretarial Election Procedures
Part 82 - [Reserved]
Part 83 - Procedures for Federal Acknowledgment of Indian Tribes
Part 84 - Encumbrances of Tribal Land - Contract Approvals
Part 87 - Use or Distribution of Indian Judgment Funds
Part 88 - Recognition of Attorneys and Agents to Represent Claimants
Part 89 - Attorney Contracts With Indian Tribes
Part 90 - Election of Officers of the Osage Tribe
Part 91 - Government of Indian Villages, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma
SubChapter G—Financial Activities
Part 101 - Loans to Indians from the Revolving Loan Fund
Part 103 - Loan Guaranty, Insurance, and Interest Subsidy
Part 111 - Annuity and Other Per Capita Payments
Part 114 - Special Deposits
Part 115 - Trust Funds for Tribes and Individual Indians
Part 117 - Deposit and Expenditure of Individual Funds of Members of the Osage Tribe of Indians Who Do Not Have Certificates of Competency
Part 122 - Management of Osage Judgment Funds for Education
Part 124 - Deposits of Proceeds from Lands Withdrawn for Native Selection
Part 134 - Partial Payment Construction Charges on Indian Irrigation Projects
Part 135 - Construction Assessments, Crow Indian Irrigation Project
Part 136 - Fort Hall Indian Irrigation Project, Idaho
Part 137 - Reimbursement of Construction Costs, San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project, Arizona
Part 138 - Reimbursement of Construction Costs, Ahtanum Unit, Wapato Indian Irrigation Project, Washington
Part 139 - Reimbursement of Construction Costs, Wapato-Satus Unit, Wapato Indian Irrigation Project, Washington
Part 140 - Licensed Indian Traders
Part 141 - Business Practices on the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni Reservations
Part 142 - Alaska Resupply Operation
Part 143 - Charges for Goods and Services Provided to Non-Federal Users
SubChapter H—Land and Water
Part 150 - Land Records and Title Documents
Part 151 - Land Acquisitions
Part 152 - Issuance of Patents in Fee, Certificates of Competency, Removal of Restrictions, and Sale of Certain Indian Lands
Part 153 - Determination of Competency: Crow Indians
Part 158 - Osage Lands
Part 159 - Sale of Irrigable Lands, Special Water Contract Requirements
Part 160 - Inclusion of Liens in All Patents and Instruments Executed
Part 161 - Navajo Partitioned Lands Grazing Permits
Part 162 - Leases and Permits
Part 163 - General Forestry Regulations
Part 166 - Grazing Permits
Part 167 - Navajo Grazing Regulations
Part 168 - Grazing Regulations for the Hopi Partitioned Lands Area
Part 169 - Rights-of-Way over Indian Land
Part 170 - Tribal Transportation Program
Part 171 - Irrigation Operation and Maintenance
Part 172 - Pueblo Indian Lands Benefited by Irrigation and Drainage Works of Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico
Part 173 - Concessions, Permits and Leases on Lands Withdrawn or Acquired in Connection With Indian Irrigation Projects
Part 175 - Electric Power Utilities
Part 179 - Life Estates and Future Interests
Part 181 - Indian Highway Safety Program
Part 183 - Use and Distribution of the San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and San Carlos Apache Tribe Lease Fund
SubChapter I—Energy and Minerals
Part 200 - Terms and Conditions: Coal Leases
Part 211 - Leasing of Tribal Lands for Mineral Development
Part 212 - Leasing of Allotted Lands for Mineral Development
Part 213 - Leasing of Restricted Lands of Members of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, for Mining
Part 214 - Leasing of Osage Reservation Lands, Oklahoma, for Mining, Except Oil and Gas
Part 215 - Lead and Zinc Mining Operations and Leases, Quapaw Agency
Part 216 - Surface Exploration, Mining, and Reclamation of Lands
Part 217 - Management of Tribal Assets of Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, by the Tribe and the Ute Distribution Corp.
Part 224 - Tribal Energy Resource Agreements Under the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act
Part 225 - Oil and Gas, Geothermal, and Solid Minerals Agreements
Part 226 - Leasing of Osage Reservation Lands for Oil and Gas Mining
Part 227 - Leasing of Certain Lands in Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, for Oil and Gas Mining
SubChapter J—Fish and Wildlife
Part 241 - Indian Fishing in Alaska
Part 242 - Commercial Fishing on Red Lake Indian Reservation
Part 243 - Reindeer in Alaska
Part 247 - Use of Columbia River Treaty Fishing Access Sites
Part 248 - Use of Columbia River Indian in-Lieu Fishing Sites
Part 249 - Off-Reservation Treaty Fishing
SubChapter K - Housing
Part 256 - Housing Improvement Program (Hip)
SubChapter L - Heritage Preservation
Part 262 - Protection of Archaeological Resources
Part 265 - Establishment of Roadless and Wild Areas on Indian Reservations
SubChapter M—Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Program
Part 273 - Education Contracts Under Johnson-O'Malley Act
Part 275 - Staffing
Part 276 - Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants
SubChapter N—Economic Enterprises
Part 286 - Indian Business Development Program
Part 290 - Tribal Revenue Allocation Plans
Part 291 - Class Iii Gaming Procedures
Part 292 - Gaming on Trust Lands Acquired After October 17, 1988
Part 293 - Class III Tribal-State Gaming Compacts
Parts 294--299 - [Reserved]
SubChapter O - Miscellaneous
Appendix to Chapter I - Extension of the Trust or Restricted Status of Certain Indian Lands