Part 83 - Procedures for Federal Acknowledgment of Indian Tribes  

§ 83.13 - Information collection.
Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 83.1 - What terms are used in this part?
§ 83.2 - What is the purpose of the regulations in this part?
§ 83.3 - Who does this part apply to?
§ 83.4 - Who cannot be acknowledged under this part?
§ 83.5 - How does a petitioner obtain Federal acknowledgment under this part?
§ 83.6 - What are the Department's duties?
§ 83.7 - How does this part apply to documented petitions submitted before August 17, 2015?
§ 83.8 - May the deadlines in this part be extended?
§ 83.9 - How does the Paperwork Reduction Act affect the information collections in this part?
Subpart B - Criteria for Federal Acknowledgment
§ 83.10 - How will the Department evaluate each of the criteria?
§ 83.11 - What are the criteria for acknowledgment as a federally recognized Indian tribe?
§ 83.12 - What are the criteria for a previously federally acknowledged petitioner?
Subpart C - Process for Federal Acknowledgment
Documented Petition Submission and Review
§ 83.20 - How does an entity request Federal acknowledgment?
§ 83.21 - What must a documented petition include?
§ 83.22 - What notice will OFA provide upon receipt of a documented petition?
Proposed Finding
§ 83.32 - When will OFA issue a proposed finding?
§ 83.33 - What will the proposed finding include?
§ 83.34 - What notice of the proposed finding will OFA provide?
As-IA Evaluation and Preparation of Final Determination
§ 83.40 - When will the Assistant Secretary begin review?
§ 83.41 - What will the Assistant Secretary consider in his/her review?
§ 83.42 - When will the Assistant Secretary issue a final determination?
§ 83.43 - How will the Assistant Secretary make the determination decision?
§ 83.44 - Is the Assistant Secretary's final determination final for the Department?
§ 83.45 - When will the final determination be effective?
§ 83.46 - How is a petitioner with a positive final determination integrated into Federal programs as a federally recognized Indian tribe?
Review of Documented Petition
§ 83.23 - How will OFA determine which documented petition to consider first?
§ 83.24 - What opportunity will the petitioner have to respond to comments before OFA reviews the petition?
§ 83.25 - Who will OFA notify when it begins review of a documented petition?
§ 83.26 - How will OFA review a documented petition?
§ 83.27 - What are technical assistance reviews?
§ 83.28 - When does OFA review for previous Federal acknowledgment?
§ 83.29 - What will OFA consider in its reviews?
§ 83.30 - Can a petitioner withdraw its documented petition?
§ 83.31 - Can OFA suspend review of a documented petition?
Proposed Finding—Comment and Response Periods, Hearing
Proposed Finding - Comment and Response Periods, Hearing
§ 83.35 - What opportunity to comment will there be after OFA issues the proposed finding?
§ 83.36 - What procedure follows the end of the comment period on a favorable proposed finding?
§ 83.37 - What procedure follows the end of the comment period on a negative proposed finding?
§ 83.38 - What options does the petitioner have at the end of the response period on a negative proposed finding?
§ 83.39 - What is the procedure if the petitioner elects to have a hearing before an ALJ?