§ 101.1 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • § 101.1 Definitions.

    As used in this part 101:

    Applicant means an applicant for a United States Direct Loan from the revolving loan fund or a loan from a relending organization.

    Commissioner means the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or an authorized representative.

    Cooperative association means an association of individuals organized pursuant to state, Federal, or tribal law, for the purpose of owning and operating an economic enterprise for profit with profits distributed or allocated to patrons who are members of the organization.

    Corporation means an entity organized as a corporation pursuant to state, Federal, or tribal law, with or without stock, for the purpose of owning and operating an economic enterprise.

    Default means failure of a borrower to:

    (1) Make scheduled payments on a loan when due,

    (2) Obtain the lender's approval for disposal of assets mortgaged as security for a loan, or

    (3) Comply with the covenants, obligations, or other provisions of a loan agreement.

    Economic enterprise means any Indian-owned commercial, industrial, agricultural, or business activity established or organized for the purpose of profit, provided that eligible Indian ownership constitutes not less than 51 percent of the enterprise.

    Equity means the borrower's residual ownership, after deducting all business debt, of tangible business assets used in the business being financed, on which a lender can perfect a first lien position.

    Financing statement means the document filed or recorded in county or state offices pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code notifying third parties that a lender has a lien on the chattels and/or crops of a borrower.

    Indian means a person who is a member of an Indian tribe as defined in this part.

    Organization means the governing body of any Indian tribe, or entity established or recognized by such governing body for the purpose of the Indian Financing Act.

    Other organization means any non-Indian individual, firm, corporation, partnership, or association.

    Partnership means a form of business organization in which two or more legal persons are associated as co-owners for the purposes of business or professional activities for private pecuniary gain, organized pursuant to tribal, state, or Federal law.

    Reservation means Indian reservation, California rancheria, public domain Indian allotment, former Indian reservation in Oklahoma, and land held by Alaska Native groups incorporated under the provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688), as amended.

    Revolving loan fund means all funds that are now or hereafter a part of the revolving fund authorized by the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 986), the Act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1968) and the Act of April 14, 1950 (64 Stat. 44), as amended and supplemented including sums received in settlement of debts for livestock pursuant to the Act of May 24, 1950, (64 Stat. 190) and sums collected in repayment of loans made, including interest or other charges on loans, and any funds appropriated pursuant to section 108 of the Indian Financing Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 77).

    Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior.

    Tribe means any Indian tribe, bank, nation, rancheria, pueblo, colony or community, including any Alaska Native village or any regional, village, urban or group corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688), as amended, which is recognized by the Federal Government as eligible for services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

    [57 FR 46471, Oct. 8, 1992]