§ 194.234 - Requirements for retail dealers.

Latest version.
  • (a) Records of receipt. All retail dealers shall keep at their place of business complete records of all distilled spirits, wines, or beer received showing (1) the quantities thereof, (2) from whom received, and (3) the receiving dates. The regional director (compliance) may, pursuant to an application authorize the records to be maintained at another business premises under the control of the same dealer when it is determined that such maintenance will not cause undue inconvenience to ATF officers desiring to examine such records. Records of receipts shall consist of all purchase invoices or bills covering distilled spirits, wines, and beer received, or, at the option of the dealer, a book record containing all of the required information.

    (b) Records of sales of 20 wine gallons (75.7 liters) or more. Every retail dealer who makes sales of distilled spirits, of wines, or of beer in quantities of 20 wine gallons (75.7 liters) or more to the same person at the same time shall prepare and keep a record of each such sale, which shall show (1) the date of sale, (2) the name and address of the purchaser, (3) the kind and quantity of each kind of liquors sold, and (4) the serial numbers of all full cases of distilled spirits included in the sale. Each entry on such record shall be supported by a corresponding delivery receipt (which may be executed on a copy of the sales slip) signed by the purchaser or his agent.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0354)