§ 40.182 - Record of tobacco and processed tobacco.  

Latest version.
  • § 40.182 Record of tobacco and processed tobacco.

    (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a manufacturer of tobacco products must maintain a record that shows the total quantity in pounds of all:

    (1) Processed tobacco on hand at the beginning of each month;

    (2) Processed tobacco received, together with the name and address of the person from whom received and the date of receipt;

    (3) Processed tobacco used in the manufacture of tobacco products, together with the date of use;

    (4) Processed tobacco lost, together with the date and other circumstances of the loss;

    (5) Processed tobacco destroyed, together with the date and other circumstances of the destruction;

    (6) Processed tobacco removed, together with the date of the removal and reason for the removal; and

    (7) Tobacco (unprocessed) on hand at the beginning of each month and used in the manufacture of tobacco products, lost, destroyed, or removed during each month.

    (b) A manufacturer of tobacco products that is required to obtain authorization to engage in another business within the factory under §§ 40.47(b) and 40.72(b) must keep records as prescribed in § 40.521, in addition to those required elsewhere in this part.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0068)

    [T.D. TTB-104, 77 FR 37302, June 21, 2012]