Part 541 - Inmate Discipline and Special Housing Units  

Subpart A - Inmate Discipline Program
§ 541.1 - Purpose.
§ 541.2 - Application.
§ 541.3 - Prohibited acts and available sanctions.
§ 541.4 - Loss of good conduct sentence credit as a mandatory sanction.
§ 541.5 - Discipline process.
§ 541.6 - Mentally ill inmates.
§ 541.7 - Unit Discipline Committee (UDC) review of the incident report.
§ 541.8 - Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO) hearing.
Subpart B - Special Housing Units
§ 541.10 - Purpose and scope.
§ 541.11 - Notice to inmate of Bureau of Prisons rules.
§ 541.12 - Inmate rights and responsibilities.
§ 541.13 - Prohibited acts and disciplinary severity scale.
§ 541.14 - Incident report and investigation.
§ 541.15 - Initial hearing.
§ 541.16 - Establishment and functioning of the Discipline Hearing Officer.
§ 541.17 - Procedures before the Discipline Hearing Officer.
§ 541.18 - Dispositions of the Discipline Hearing Officer.
§ 541.19 - Appeals from Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officeractions.
§ 541.20 - Purpose.
§ 541.21 - Special Housing Units (SHUs).
§ 541.22 - Status when placed in the SHU.
§ 541.23 - Administrative detention status.
§ 541.24 - Disciplinary segregation status.
§ 541.25 - Notice received when placed in the SHU.
§ 541.26 - Review of placement in the SHU.
§ 541.27 - Protection case - placement in Administrative Detention status.
§ 541.28 - Protection case - review of placement in the SHU.
§ 541.29 - Staff verification of need for protection.
§ 541.30 - Lack of verification of need for protection.
§ 541.31 - Conditions of confinement in the SHU.
§ 541.32 - Medical and mental health care in the SHU.
§ 541.33 - Release from the SHU.
Subpart C - XXX
Subpart D - Control Unit Programs
§ 541.40 - Purpose and scope.
§ 541.41 - Institutional referral.
§ 541.42 - Designation of Hearing Administrator.
§ 541.43 - Hearing procedure.
§ 541.44 - Decision of the Hearing Administrator.
§ 541.45 - Executive Panel review and appeal.
§ 541.46 - Programs and services.
§ 541.47 - Admission to control unit.
§ 541.48 - Search of control unit inmates.
§ 541.49 - Review of control unit placement.
§ 541.50 - Release from a control unit.
Subpart E - Procedures for Handling of HIV Positive Inmates Who Pose Danger to Others
§ 541.60 - Purpose and scope.
§ 541.61 - Standard for placement in controlled housing status.
§ 541.62 - Referral for placement.
§ 541.63 - Hearing procedure.
§ 541.64 - Decision of the Hearing Administrator.
§ 541.65 - Regional Director review and appeal.
§ 541.66 - Programs and services.
§ 541.67 - Review of controlled housing status.
§ 541.68 - Release from controlled housing status.