Part 541 - Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Computer and Outside Sales Employees  

Subpart A - General Regulations
§ 541.0 - Introductory statement.
§ 541.1 - Terms used in regulations.
§ 541.2 - Job titles insufficient.
§ 541.3 - Scope of the section 13(a)(1) exemptions.
§ 541.4 - Other laws and collective bargaining agreements.
§ 541.5 - Severability.
Subpart B - Executive Employees
§ 541.100 - General rule for executive employees.
§ 541.101 - Business owner.
§ 541.102 - Management.
§ 541.103 - Department or subdivision.
§ 541.104 - Two or more other employees.
§ 541.105 - Particular weight.
§ 541.106 - Concurrent duties.
Subpart C - Administrative Employees
§ 541.200 - General rule for administrative employees.
§ 541.201 - Directly related to management or general business operations.
§ 541.202 - Discretion and independent judgment.
§ 541.203 - Administrative exemption examples.
§ 541.204 - Educational establishments.
Subpart D - Professional Employees
§ 541.300 - General rule for professional employees.
§ 541.301 - Learned professionals.
§ 541.302 - Creative professionals.
§ 541.303 - Teachers.
§ 541.304 - Practice of law or medicine.
Subpart E - Computer Employees
§ 541.400 - General rule for computer employees.
§ 541.401 - Computer manufacture and repair.
§ 541.402 - Executive and administrative computer employees.
Subpart F - Outside Sales Employees
§ 541.500 - General rule for outside sales employees.
§ 541.501 - Making sales or obtaining orders.
§ 541.502 - Away from employer's place of business.
§ 541.503 - Promotion work.
§ 541.504 - Drivers who sell.
Subpart G - Salary Requirements
§ 541.600 - Amount of salary required.
§ 541.601 - Highly compensated employees.
§ 541.602 - Salary basis.
§ 541.603 - Effect of improper deductions from salary.
§ 541.604 - Minimum guarantee plus extras.
§ 541.605 - Fee basis.
§ 541.606 - Board, lodging or other facilities.
§ 541.607 - xxx
Subpart H - Definitions and Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 541.700 - Primary duty.
§ 541.701 - Customarily and regularly.
§ 541.702 - Exempt and nonexempt work.
§ 541.703 - Directly and closely related.
§ 541.704 - Use of manuals.
§ 541.705 - Trainees.
§ 541.706 - Emergencies.
§ 541.707 - Occasional tasks.
§ 541.708 - Combination exemptions.
§ 541.709 - Motion picture producing industry.
§ 541.710 - Employees of public agencies.