§ 37.2 - To whom does this part apply, and what is the scope of this part?  

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  • § 37.2 To whom does this part apply, and what is the scope of this part?

    (a) This part applies to:

    (1) Any recipient, as defined in § 37.4;

    (2) Programs and activities that are part of the One-Stop delivery system and that are operated by One-Stop partners listed in section 121(b) of WIA, to the extent that the programs and activities are being conducted as part of the One-Stop delivery system; and

    (3) The employment practices of a recipient and/or One-Stop partner, as provided in § 37.10.

    (b) Limitation of application. This part does not apply to:

    (1) Programs or activities that are financially assisted by the Department exclusively under laws other than Title I of WIA, and that are not part of the One-Stop delivery system (including programs or activities implemented under, authorized by, and/or financially assisted by the Department under, JTPA);

    (2) Contracts of insurance or guaranty;

    (3) The ultimate beneficiary to this program of Federal financial assistance;

    (4) Federal procurement contracts, with the exception of contracts to operate or provide services to Job Corps Centers; and

    (5) Federally-operated Job Corps Centers. The operating Department is responsible for enforcing the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity laws to which such Centers are subject.