§ 777.13 - Reporting of technical data.  

Latest version.
  • § 777.13 What requirements apply to the collection, analysis, and reporting Reporting of technical data and to the use of models?.

    (a) Technical data and analyses.


    All technical data submitted in the application


    shall be accompanied by

    metadata, including, but not limited to,

    the names of persons or organizations that collected and analyzed the data,




    of the

    data were collected and analyzed,

    collection and analysis of the data, and descriptions of the methodology used to collect and analyze the data

    , the quality assurance and quality control procedures used by the laboratory and the results of those procedures, and the field sampling sheets for each surface-water sample collected and for each groundwater sample collected from wells, seeps, and springs


    For electronic data, metadata must include identification of any data transformations. (2

    (b) Technical analyses


    shall be planned by or under the direction of a professional qualified in the subject to be analyzed.

    (b) Sampling and analyses of groundwater and surface water. All sampling and analyses of groundwater and surface water performed to meet the requirements of this subchapter must be conducted according to -

    (1) The methodology in 40 CFR parts 136 and 434, to the extent applicable; or

    (2) A scientifically defensible methodology acceptable to the regulatory authority, in coordination with any agency responsible for administering or implementing a program under the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., that requires water sampling and analysis.

    (c) Geological sampling and analysis. All geological sampling and analyses performed to meet the requirements of this subchapter must be conducted using a scientifically defensible methodology.

    (d) Use of models.

    (1) Unless the regulatory authority specifies otherwise, you may use modeling techniques, interpolation, or statistical techniques to prepare the permit application.

    (2) You must use actual site-specific data to calibrate each model. All models must be validated for the region and ecosystem in which they will be used.

    (3) The regulatory authority may either disallow the use of models or require that you submit additional actual, site-specific data.

    [[48 FR 44398, Sept. 28, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93327, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54947, Nov. 17, 2017]