§ 800.701 - Obligation of parties to provide information.  

Latest version.
  • § 800.701 Obligation of parties to provide informationFinality of actions under section 721.

    (a) Parties to a transaction that is notified under subpart D shall provide information to the Staff Chairperson that will enable the Committee to conduct a full review and/or investigation of the proposed transaction, and shall promptly advise the Staff Chairperson of any material changes in plans or information pursuant to § 800.402(h). If deemed necessary by the Committee, information may be obtained from parties to a transaction or other persons through subpoena or otherwise, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 4555(a).

    (b) Documentary materials or information required or requested to be filed with the Committee under this part shall be submitted in English. Supplementary materials, such as annual reports, written in a foreign language, shall be submitted in certified English translation.

    (c) Any information filed with the Committee by a party to a covered transaction in connection with any action for which a report is required pursuant to section 721(l)(3)(B) with respect to the implementation of a mitigation agreement or condition described in section 721(l)(1)(A) shall be accompanied by a certification that complies with the requirements of section 721(n) and § 800.202. A sample certification may be found at the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury Web site, currently available at https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/international/the-committee-on-foreign-investment-in-the-united-states-cfius.

    (d) At the conclusion of a review or investigation, each party that has filed additional information subsequent to the original notice shall file a final certification. (See § 800.202.) A sample certification may be found at the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury Web site, currently available at https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/international/the-committee-on-foreign-investment-in-the-united-states-cfius.

    [73 FR 70716, Nov. 21, 2008, as amended at 83 FR 51321, Oct. 11, 2018]

    All authority available to the President or the Committee under section 721(d), including divestment authority, shall remain available at the discretion of the President with respect to:

    (1) Covered control transactions proposed or pending on or after August 23, 1988;

    (2) Transactions that, between November 10, 2018, and February 12, 2020, fell within the scope of part 801 of this title; and

    (3) Covered investments proposed or pending after February 13, 2020.

    (b) Subject to § 800.501(c)(1)(ii), such authority shall not be exercised if:

    (1) Subject to § 800.219(d), the Committee, through its Staff Chairperson, has advised a party (or the parties) in writing that a particular transaction with respect to which a voluntary notice or a declaration has been filed is not a covered transaction;

    (2) The parties to the transaction have been advised in writing under § 800.407(a)(4), § 800.506, or § 800.508(d) that the Committee has concluded all action under section 721 with respect to the covered transaction; or

    (3) The President has previously announced, under section 721(d), his or her decision not to exercise his or her authority under section 721 with respect to the covered transaction.

    (c) Divestment or other relief under section 721 shall not be available with respect to transactions that were completed prior to August 23, 1988.