§ 644.27 - Authority to issue Real Estate Directives.  

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  • § 644.27 Authority to issue Real Estate Directives.

    Where there is legislative authorization, an appropriation is available, and necessary clearances have been obtained, the formal Real Estate Directive (designating the land to be acquired, the estate to be acquired, and the amount of funds available for the acquisition) will be issued by the head of the interested department or agency, or his designee.

    (a) Authority to issue all Department of the Army Real Estate Directives is vested in the Chief of Engineers. The Chief of Engineers has been delegated authority from the Secretary of the Army, and has redelegated to Division and District Engineers authority, to approve:

    (1) Acquisition of permits from other Government departments and agencies, excepting the use of space in the National Capital Region.

    (2) The making of minor boundary changes in approved projects to avoid severance damages, by including or excluding small tracts of land which will not decrease the usefulness of the project for the purpose for which being acquired.

    (b) The delegated authority referred to in paragraph (a) of this section was redelegated to Division and District Engineers, provided it can be accomplished without the allotment of additional funds: And provided, That there is an existing Real Estate Directive. When there is a change in scope (area and/or funds), recommendation will be made to the Chief of Engineers for amendment of the directive.

    (c) The Chief of Engineers has been delegated authority to approve for the Secretary of the Army leasehold acquisitions, including renewals and extensions, and space assignments from the General Services Administration, where the estimated annual rental for any single project is not in excess of $50,000 and the acquisition is not controversial, unusual, or inconsistent with Department of the Army policies, excepting the acquisition by lease of industrial and commercial facilities; projects requiring a certificate of necessity in accordance with the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1932, as amended (40 U.S.C. 278a); and space in the National Capital Region. This authority has been redelegated to the Division Engineer where the annual rental does not exceed $25,000.

    (d) Authority to issue all Department of the Air Force Real Estate Directives is vested in the Real Property Division, Directorate of Engineering and Services, HQ, USAF. Major Air Commands and Air Force Regional Civil Engineers may issue Real Estate Directives for acquisitions not exceeding $50,000 in cost.

    (1) Division Engineers will assign numbers to Real Estate Directives issued by Air Force Regional Civil Engineers. The numbers will be in a consecutive series for each Division and will be preceded by a symbol identifying the Division to which the directive is issued.

    (2) All revisions to Real Estate Directives will be designated as amendments to the basic Real Estate Directive and will be appropriately numbered.

    (3) Division Engineers will forward the original and one copy of each Directive, and each amendment thereto to HQDA (DAEN-REA-L) WASH DC 20314.

    (4) Commanders of Major Air Commands will approve requests for leases, lease renewals, and space assignments from the General Services Administration, where the estimated cost of the project does not exceed $50,000 per annum, and subject to any necessary clearances, excepting, however, the leasehold acquisitions listed in AFR 87-1.

    (e) Authority to issue DOE Real Estate Directives has been delegated by the General Manager to the Directors of Operating Divisions, DOE.