§ 644.328 - Army military leased property.  

Latest version.
  • § 644.328 Army military leased property.

    (a) Department of the Army command installations or parts thereof held by lease, permit, or other similar right of occupancy, excess to the needs of the using service will be reported direct to the Division of District Engineer for disposition wherever essential continuing operations of the installation will not be adversely affected, and the annual rental does not exceed $50,000.

    (b) Division Engineers are authorized to make the finding that leased real estate of the Corps of Engineers, where essential continuing operations of the installation are not adversely affected, and the annual rental does not exceed $100,000, is excess and to take necessary action to cancel or otherwise dispose of leases.

    (c) Any leased command real estate not coming within the category outlined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section will not be considered by the Division Engineer as excess until notice is received from the Chief of Engineers (COE) that the property has been placed in excess status in accordance with AR 405-90.