§ 811.5 - Customers exempt from fees.  

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  • § 811.5 Customers exempt from fees.

    Title III of the 1968 Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (42 U.S.C. 4201, 4231, and 4233) exempts some customers from paying for products and loans. This applies if the supplier has sufficient funds and if the exemption does not impair its mission. The requesting agency must certify that the materials are not commercially available. When requests for VI material do not meet exemption criteria, the requesting agency pays the fees. Exempted customers include:

    (a) DoD and other government agencies asking for materials for official activities (see DoD Instruction 4000.19, Interservice, and Intergovernmental Support, August 9, 1995, and DoD Directive 5040.2, Visual Information (VI), December 7, 1987.

    (b) Members of Congress asking for VI materials for official activities.

    (c) VI records center materials or services furnished according to law or Executive Order.

    (d) Federal, state, territorial, county, municipal governments, or their agencies, for activities contributing to an Air Force or DoD objective.

    (e) Nonprofit organizations for public health, education, or welfare purposes.

    (f) Armed Forces members with a casualty status, their next of kin, or authorized representative, if VI material requested relates to the member and does not compromise classified information or an accident investigation board's work.

    (g) The general public, to help the Armed Forces recruiting program or enhance public understanding of the Armed Forces, when SAF/PA determines that VI materials or services promote the Air Force's best interest.

    (h) Incidental or occasional requests for VI records center materials or services, including requests from residents of foreign countries, when fees would be inappropriate. AFI 16-101, International Affairs and Security Assistance Management, tells how a foreign government may obtain Air Force VI materials.

    (i) Legitimate news organizations working on news productions, documentaries, or print products that inform the public on Air Force activities.