Subpart A - General Requirements  

§ 117.1 - Purpose.
§ 117.3 - Applicability.
§ 117.4 - Definitions.
§ 117.5 - When the drawbridge must open.
§ 117.7 - General requirements of drawbridge owners.
§ 117.8 - Permanent changes to drawbridge operation.
§ 117.9 - Delaying opening of a draw.
§ 117.11 - Unnecessary opening of the draw.
§ 117.15 - Signals.
§ 117.17 - Signalling for contiguous drawbridges.
§ 117.19 - Signalling when two or more vessels are approaching a drawbridge.
§ 117.21 - Signalling for an opened drawbridge.
§ 117.23 - Installation of radiotelephones.
§ 117.24 - Radiotelephone installation identification.
§ 117.31 - Drawbridge operations for emergency vehicles and emergency vessels.
§ 117.33 - Closure of draw for natural disasters or civil disorders.
§ 117.35 - Temporary change to a drawbridge operating schedule.
§ 117.36 - Closure of drawbridge for emergency repair.
§ 117.37 - Opening or closure of draw for public interest concerns.
§ 117.39 - Authorized closure of drawbridge due to infrequent requests for openings.
§ 117.40 - Advance notice for drawbridge opening.
§ 117.41 - Maintaining drawbridges in the fully open position.
§ 117.42 - Remotely operated and automated drawbridges.
§ 117.43 - Changes in draw operation requirements for regulatory purposes.
§ 117.45 - Operation during winter season in the Great Lakes area.
§ 117.47 - Clearance gauges.
§ 117.49 - Process of violations.