Part 222 - Impact Aid Programs  

Subpart A - General
§ 222.1 - What is the scope of this part?
§ 222.2 - What definitions apply to this part?
§ 222.3 - How does a local educational agency apply for assistance under section 8002 or 8003 of the Act?
§ 222.4 - How does the Secretary determine when an application is timely filed?
§ 222.5 - When may a local educational agency amend its application?
§ 222.6 - Which applications does the Secretary accept?
§ 222.7 - What information may a local educational agency submit after the application deadline?
§ 222.8 - What action must an applicant take upon a change in its boundary, classification, control, governing authority, or identity?
§ 222.9 - What records must a local educational agency maintain?
§ 222.10 - How long must a local educational agency retain records?
§ 222.11 - How does the Secretary recover overpayments?
§ 222.12 - What overpayments are eligible for forgiveness under section 8012 of the Act?
§ 222.13 - What overpayments are not eligible for forgiveness under section 8012 of the Act?
§ 222.14 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet for an eligible overpayment to be forgiven in whole or part?
§ 222.15 - How are the filing deadlines affected by requests for other forms of relief?
§ 222.16 - What information and documentation must a local educational agency submit for an eligible overpayment to be considered for forgiveness?
§ 222.17 - How does the Secretary determine undue financial hardship and serious harm to a local educational agency's educational program?
§ 222.18 - What amount does the Secretary forgive?
§ 222.19 - What other statutes and regulations apply to this part?
Subpart B - Payments for Federal Property Under Section 8002 of the Act
§ 222.20 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 222.21 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet concerning Federal acquisition of real property within the local educational agency?
§ 222.22 - How does the Secretary treat compensation from Federal activities for purposes of determining eligibility and payments?
§ 222.23 - How are consolidated LEAs treated for the purposes of eligibility and payment under section 7002?
§ 222.24 - How does a local educational agency that has multiple tax rates for real property classifications derive a single real property tax rate?
§§ 222.24--222.29 - [Reserved]
§§ 222.25--222.29 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Payments for Federally Connected Children Under Section 8003(b) of the Act
§ 222.30 - What is “free public education”?
§ 222.31 - To which local educational agencies does the Secretary make basic support payments under section 8003(b) of the Act?
§ 222.32 - What information does the Secretary use to determine a local educational agency's basic support payment?
§ 222.33 - When must an applicant make its first or only membership count?
§ 222.34 - If an applicant makes a second membership count, when must that count be made?
§ 222.35 - How does a local educational agency count the membership of its federally connected children?
§ 222.36 - How many federally connected children must a local educational agency have to receive a payment under section 8003?
§ 222.37 - How does the Secretary calculate the average daily attendance of federally connected children?
§ 222.38 - What is the maximum basic support payment that a local educational agency may receive under section 8003(b)(1)?
§ 222.39 - How does a State educational agency identify generally comparable local educational agencies for local contribution rate purposes?
§ 222.40 - What procedures does a State educational agency use for certain local educational agencies to determine generally comparable local educational agencies using additional factors, for local contribution rate purposes?
§ 222.41 - How does a State educational agency compute and certify local contribution rates based upon generally comparable local educational agencies?
§ 222.42 - [Reserved]
§ 222.43 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet in order to be eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(1)(F) due to unusual geographic features?
§ 222.44 - How does the Secretary determine a maximum payment for local educational agencies that are eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(1)(F) and § 222.43?
§§ 222.42--222.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 222.45--222.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Payments Under Section 8003(d) of the Act for Local Educational Agencies That Serve Children With Disabilities
§ 222.50 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 222.51 - Which children may a local educational agency count for payment under section 8003(d) of the Act?
§ 222.52 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet to receive a payment under section 8003(d)?
§ 222.53 - What restrictions and requirements apply to the use of funds provided under section 8003(d)?
§ 222.54 - What supplement-not-supplant requirement applies to this subpart?
§ 222.55 - What other statutes and regulations are applicable to this subpart?
§§ 222.56--222.59 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Payments for Heavily Impacted Local Educational Agencies Under Section 8003(b)(2) of the Act
§ 222.60 - What are the scope and purpose of this subpart?
§ 222.61 - What data are used to determine a local educational agency's eligibility under section 8003(b)(2) of the Act?
§ 222.62 - How are local educational agencies determined eligible under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.63 - When is a local educational agency eligible as a continuing applicant for payment under section 8003(b)(2)(B)?
§ 222.64 - When is a local educational agency eligible as a new applicant for payment under section 8003(b)(2)(C)?
§ 222.65 - What other requirements must a local educational agency meet to be eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.66 - How does a local educational agency lose and resume eligibility under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.67 - How may a State aid program affect a local educational agency's eligibility for assistance under section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.68 - How does the Secretary determine whether a fiscally independent local educational agency meets the applicable tax rate requirement?
§ 222.69 - What tax rates does the Secretary use if real property is assessed at different percentages of true value?
§ 222.70 - What tax rates does the Secretary use if two or more different classifications of real property are taxed at different rates?
§ 222.71 - What tax rates may the Secretary use if substantial local revenues are derived from local tax sources other than real property taxes?
§ 222.72 - How does the Secretary determine whether a fiscally dependent local educational agency meets the applicable tax rate requirement?
§ 222.73 - What information must the State educational agency provide?
§ 222.74 - How does the Secretary identify generally comparable local educational agencies for purposes of section 8003(b)(2)?
§ 222.75 - How does the Secretary compute the average per pupil expenditure of generally comparable local educational agencies under this subpart?
§ 222.76 - What does the Secretary do if appropriation levels are insufficient to pay in full the amounts calculated under  222.72 and 222.73?
§§ 222.76--222.79 - [Reserved]
§§ 222.77--222.79 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - XXX
§ 222.80 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 222.81 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet to be eligible for a payment under section 8003(g) of the Act?
§ 222.82 - How does the Secretary calculate the total amount of funds available for payments under section 8003(g)?
§ 222.83 - How does an eligible local educational agency apply for a payment under section 8003(g)?
§ 222.84 - How does the Secretary calculate payments under section 8003(g) for eligible local educational agencies?
§ 222.85 - How may a local educational agency use funds that it receives under section 8003(g)?
Subpart G - Special Provisions for Local Educational Agencies That Claim Children Residing on Indian Lands
§ 222.90 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 222.91 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet to receive a payment under section 7003 of the Act for children residing on Indian lands?
§ 222.92 - What additional statutes and regulations apply to this subpart?
§ 222.93 - [Reserved]
Withholding and Related Procedures for Indian Policies and Procedures
§ 222.114 - How does the Assistant Secretary implement the provisions of this subpart?
§ 222.115 - When does the Assistant Secretary withhold payments from a local educational agency under this subpart?
§ 222.116 - How are withholding procedures initiated under this subpart?
§ 222.117 - What procedures are followed after the Assistant Secretary issues a notice of intent to withhold payments?
§ 222.118 - How are withholding hearings conducted in this subpart?
§ 222.119 - What is the effect of withholding under this subpart?
§ 222.120 - When is a local educational agency exempt from withholding of payments?
§ 222.121 - How does the affected Indian tribe or tribes request that payments to a local educational agency not be withheld?
§ 222.122 - What procedures are followed if it is determined that the local educational agency's funds will not be withheld under this subpart?
§§ 222.123--222.129 - [Reserved]
Indian Policies and Procedures Complaint and Hearing Procedures
§ 222.102 - Who may file a complaint about a local educational agency's Indian policies and procedures?
§ 222.103 - What must be included in a complaint?
§ 222.104 - When does the Assistant Secretary consider a complaint received?
§ 222.108 - What actions must be taken upon receipt of a complaint?
§ 222.109 - When may a local educational agency reply to a complaint?
§ 222.110 - What are the procedures for conducting a hearing on a local educational agency's Indian policies and procedures?
§ 222.111 - What is the authority of the hearing examiner in conducting a hearing?
§ 222.112 - What procedures are followed after the hearing?
§ 222.113 - What are the responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary after the hearing?
§§ 222.105--222.107 - [Reserved]
Indian Policies and Procedures
§ 222.94 - What are the responsibilities of the LEA with regard to Indian policies and procedures?
§ 222.95 - How are Indian policies and procedures reviewed to ensure compliance with the requirements in section 8004(a) of the Act?
§§ 222.96--222.101 - [Reserved]
Subpart H - XXX
Subpart I - Facilities Assistance and Transfers Under Section 8008 of the Act
§ 222.140 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 222.141 - For what types of projects may the Secretary provide assistance under section 8008 of the Act?
§ 222.142 - What terms and conditions apply to minimum school facilities operated under section 8008 by another agency?
§ 222.143 - What terms and conditions apply to the transfer of minimum school facilities?
§§ 222.144--222.149 - [Reserved]
Subpart J - Impact Aid Administrative Hearings and Judicial Review Under Section 8011 of the Act
§ 222.150 - What is the scope of this subpart?
§ 222.151 - When is an administrative hearing provided to a local educational agency?
§ 222.152 - When may a local educational agency request reconsideration of a determination?
§ 222.153 - How must a local educational agency request an administrative hearing?
§ 222.154 - How must written submissions under this subpart be filed?
§ 222.155 - When and where is an administrative hearing held?
§ 222.156 - How is an administrative hearing conducted?
§ 222.157 - What procedures apply for issuing or appealing an administrative law judge's decision?
§ 222.158 - What procedures apply to the Secretary's review of an initial decision?
§ 222.159 - When and where does a party seek judicial review?
Subpart K - Determinations Under Section 8009 of the Act
§ 222.160 - What are the scope and purpose of this subpart?
§ 222.161 - How is State aid treated under section 7009 of the Act?
§ 222.162 - What disparity standard must a State meet in order to be certified and how are disparities in current expenditures or revenues per pupil measured?
§ 222.163 - What proportion of Impact Aid funds may a State take into consideration upon certification?
§ 222.164 - What procedures does the Secretary follow in making a determination under section 7009?
§ 222.165 - What procedures does the Secretary follow after making a determination under section 8009?
Appendix to Subpart K - Determinations Under Section 8009of the Act - Methods of Calculations for Treatment of Impact Aid Payments Under State Equalization Programs
Appendix to Subpart K of Part 222 - Determinations Under Section 8009 of the Act - Methods of Calculations for Treatment of Impact Aid Payments Under State Equalization Programs
§§ 222.166--222.169 - [Reserved]
Subpart L - Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program Under Section 8007(b) of the Act
Conditions and Requirements Grantees Must Meet
§ 222.195 - How does the Secretary make funds available to grantees?
§ 222.196 - What additional construction and legal requirements apply?
How to Apply for a Grant
§ 222.183 - How does an LEA apply for a grant?
§ 222.184 - What information must an application contain?
§ 222.185 - What additional information must be included in an emergency grant application?
§ 222.186 - What additional information must be included in a modernization grant application?
§ 222.187 - Which year's data must an SEA or LEA provide?
How Grants Are Made
§ 222.188 - What priorities may the Secretary establish?
§ 222.189 - What funding priority does the Secretary give to applications?
§ 222.190 - How does the Secretary rank and select applicants?
§ 222.191 - What is the maximum award amount?
§ 222.192 - What local funds may be considered as available for this project?
§ 222.193 - What other limitations on grant amounts apply?
§ 222.194 - Are “in-kind” contributions permissible?
§ 222.170 - What is the purpose of the Impact Aid Discretionary Construction grant program (Section 8007(b) of the Act)?
§ 222.171 - What LEAs may be eligible for Discretionary Construction grants?
§ 222.172 - What activities may an LEA conduct with funds received under this program?
§ 222.173 - What activities will not receive funding under a Discretionary Construction grant?
§ 222.174 - What prohibitions apply to these funds?
§ 222.175 - What regulations apply to recipients of funds under this program?
§ 222.176 - What definitions apply to this program?
§ 222.177 - What eligibility requirements must an LEA meet to apply for an emergency grant under the first priority?
§ 222.178 - What eligibility requirements must an LEA meet to apply for an emergency grant under the second priority?
§ 222.179 - Under what circumstances may an ineligible LEA apply on behalf of a school for an emergency grant under the second priority?
§ 222.180 - What eligibility requirements must an LEA meet to apply for a modernization grant under the third priority?
§ 222.181 - What eligibility requirements must an LEA meet to apply for a modernization grant under the fourth priority?
§ 222.182 - Under what circumstances may an ineligible LEA apply on behalf of a school for a modernization grant under the fourth priority?