Subpart D - Evaluations, Eligibility Determinations, Individualized Education Programs, and Educational Placements  

Additional Procedures for Identifying Children With Specific Learning Disabilities
§ 300.307 - Specific learning disabilities.
§ 300.308 - Additional group members.
§ 300.309 - Determining the existence of a specific learning disability.
§ 300.310 - Observation.
§ 300.311 - Specific documentation for the eligibility determination.
Procedures for By-Pass
§ 300.480 - By-pass—general.
§ 300.481 - Provisions for services under a by-pass.
§ 300.482 - Notice of intent to implement a by-pass.
§ 300.483 - Request to show cause.
§ 300.484 - Show cause hearing.
§ 300.485 - Decision.
§ 300.486 - Filing requirements.
§ 300.487 - Judicial review.
Children With Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools When FAPE Is at Issue
§ 300.403 - Placement of children by parents if FAPE is at issue.
Children With Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools
§ 300.450 - Definition of “private school children with disabilities.”
§ 300.451 - Child find for private school children with disabilities.
§ 300.452 - Provision of services—basic requirement.
§ 300.453 - Expenditures.
§ 300.454 - Services determined.
§ 300.455 - Services provided.
§ 300.456 - Location of services; transportation.
§ 300.457 - Complaints.
§ 300.458 - Separate classes prohibited.
§ 300.459 - Requirement that funds not benefit a private school.
§ 300.460 - Use of public school personnel.
§ 300.461 - Use of private school personnel.
§ 300.462 - Requirements concerning property, equipment, and supplies for the benefit of private school children with disabilities.
Evaluations and Reevaluations
§ 300.301 - Initial evaluations.
§ 300.302 - Screening for instructional purposes is not evaluation.
§ 300.303 - Reevaluations.
§ 300.304 - Evaluation procedures.
§ 300.305 - Additional requirements for evaluations and reevaluations.
§ 300.306 - Determination of eligibility.
Development of IEP
§ 300.324 - Development, review, and revision of IEP.
§ 300.325 - Private school placements by public agencies.
§ 300.326 - [Reserved]
§ 300.327 - Educational placements.
§ 300.328 - Alternative means of meeting participation.
Individualized Education Programs
§ 300.320 - Definition of individualized education program.
§ 300.321 - IEP Team.
§ 300.322 - Parent participation.
§ 300.323 - When IEPs must be in effect.
Children With Disabilities in Private Schools Placed or Referred by Public Agencies
§ 300.400 - Applicability of 300.400-300.402.
§ 300.401 - Responsibility of State educational agency.
§ 300.402 - Implementation by State educational agency.
Due Process Procedures
Parental Consent
§ 300.300 - Parental consent.