Part 628 - Endowment Challenge Grant Program  

Subpart A - General
§ 628.1 - What are the purposes of the Endowment Challenge Grant Program?
§ 628.2 - Which institutions are eligible to apply for an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.3 - Under what conditions may an eligible institution designate a foundation as the recipient of an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.4 - What time limitations are placed on grantees applying for another grant?
§ 628.5 - What regulations apply to the Endowment Challenge Grant Program?
§ 628.6 - What definitions apply to the Endowment Challenge Grant Program?
Subpart B - What Type of Grant Does the Secretary Award Under the Endowment Challenge Grant Program?
§ 628.10 - What are the characteristics of an endowment challenge grant?
Subpart C - How Does an Eligible Institution Apply for an Endowment Challenge Grant?
§ 628.20 - What shall an applicant include in an application for an endowment challenge grant?
Subpart D - How Does the Secretary Award an Endowment Challenge Grant?
§ 628.30 - How does the Secretary evaluate an application for an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.31 - What selection criteria does the Secretary use in evaluating an application for an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.32 - What funding priorities does the Secretary use in evaluating an application for an endowment challenge grant?
Subpart E - What Conditions Must a Grantee Meet Under the Endowment Challenge Grant Program?
§ 628.40 - What are the restrictions on the amount of an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.41 - What are the obligations of an institution that the Secretary selects to receive an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.42 - What may a grantee not use to match an endowment challenge grant?
§ 628.43 - What investment standards shall a grantee follow?
§ 628.44 - When and for what purposes may a grantee use the endowment fund corpus?
§ 628.45 - How much endowment fund income may a grantee use and for what purposes?
§ 628.46 - How shall a grantee calculate the amount of endowment fund income that it may withdraw and spend?
§ 628.47 - What shall a grantee record and report?
§ 628.48 - What happens if a grantee fails to administer the endowment challenge grant in accordance with applicable regulations?