Part 675 - Federal Work-Study Programs  

Subpart A - Federal Work-Study Program
§ 675.1 - Purpose and identification of common provisions.
§ 675.2 - Definitions.
§ 675.8 - Program participation agreement.
§ 675.9 - Student eligibility.
§ 675.10 - Selection of students for FWS employment.
§ 675.16 - Payments to students.
§ 675.17 - [Reserved]
§ 675.18 - Use of funds.
§ 675.19 - Fiscal procedures and records.
§ 675.20 - Eligible employers and general conditions and limitation on employment.
§ 675.21 - Institutional employment.
§ 675.22 - Employment provided by a Federal, State, or local public agency, or a private nonprofit organization.
§ 675.23 - Employment provided by a private for-profit organization.
§ 675.24 - Establishment of wage rate under FWS.
§ 675.25 - Earnings applied to cost of attendance.
§ 675.26 - FWS Federal share limitations.
§ 675.27 - Nature and source of institutional share.
§§ 675.11--675.15 - [Reserved]
§§ 675.3--675.7 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Job Location and Development Program
§ 675.31 - Purpose.
§ 675.32 - Program description.
§ 675.33 - Allowable costs.
§ 675.34 - Multi-Institutional job location and development programs.
§ 675.35 - Agreement.
§ 675.36 - Procedures and records.
§ 675.37 - Termination and suspension.
Subpart C - Work-Colleges Program
§ 675.41 - Special definitions.
§ 675.42 - Allocation and reallocation.
§ 675.43 - Purpose.
§ 675.44 - Program description.
§ 675.45 - Allowable costs, Federal share, and institutional share.
§ 675.46 - Unallowable costs.
§ 675.47 - Multi-institutional work-colleges arrangements.
§ 675.48 - Agreement.
§ 675.49 - Procedures and records.
§ 675.50 - Termination and suspension.
Appendix A to Part 675
Appendix A to Part 675 - [Reserved]