§ 200.24 - xxx  

Latest version.
  • § 200.24 Resources to support continued improvement.

    (a) In general.

    (1) A State must allocate school improvement funds that it reserves under section 1003(a) of the Act to LEAs to serve schools implementing comprehensive or targeted support and improvement plans under §§ 200.21 or 200.22, except that such funds may not be used to serve schools implementing targeted support and improvement plans consistent with § 200.15(b)(2)(iii).

    (2) An LEA may apply for school improvement funds if -

    (i) It has one or more schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement under § 200.19(a) or targeted support and improvement under § 200.19(b) consistent with paragraph (a)(1) of this section; and

    (ii) It applies to serve each school in the LEA identified for comprehensive support and improvement that it has sufficient capacity to serve before applying to serve any school in the LEA identified for targeted support and improvement.

    (b) LEA application. To receive school improvement funds under paragraph (a) of this section, an LEA must submit an application to the State to serve one or more schools identified for comprehensive or targeted support and improvement. In addition to any other information that the State may require, such an application must include each of the following:

    (1) A description of one or more evidence-based interventions that are based on strong, moderate, or promising evidence as defined under section 8101(21)(A) of the Act and that will be implemented in each school the LEA proposes to serve.

    (2) A description of how the LEA will carry out its responsibilities under §§ 200.21 and 200.22 for schools it will serve with funds under this section, including how the LEA will -

    (i) Develop and implement a comprehensive support and improvement plan that meets the requirements of § 200.21 for each school identified under § 200.19(a), for which the LEA receives school improvement funds to serve; and

    (ii) Support each school identified under § 200.19(b), for which the LEA receives school improvement funds to serve, in developing and implementing a targeted support and improvement plan that meets the requirements of § 200.22.

    (3) A budget indicating how it will allocate school improvement funds among schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement and targeted support and improvement that it proposes to serve.

    (4) The LEA's plan to monitor schools for which the LEA receives school improvement funds, including the LEA's plan to increase monitoring of a school that does not meet the exit criteria consistent with §§ 200.21(f), 200.22(e), or 200.22(f).

    (5) A description of the rigorous review process the LEA will use to recruit, screen, select, and evaluate any external partners with which the LEA will partner in carrying out activities supported with school improvement funds.

    (6) A description of how the LEA will align other Federal, State, and local resources to carry out the activities supported with school improvement funds.

    (7) A description of how the LEA will sustain effective activities in schools after funding under this section is complete.

    (8) As appropriate, a description of how the LEA will modify practices and policies to provide operational flexibility, including with respect to school budgeting and staffing, that enables full and effective implementation of comprehensive support and improvement and targeted support and improvement plans.

    (9) For any LEA that plans to use the first year of its school improvement funds for planning activities in a school that it will serve, a description of the activities that will be supported with school improvement funds, the timeline for implementing those activities, how such timeline will ensure full implementation of the comprehensive or targeted support and improvement plan consistent with §§ 200.21(d)(5) and 200.22(c)(5), and how those activities will support successful implementation of comprehensive or targeted support and improvement plans.

    (10) An assurance that each school the LEA proposes to serve will receive all of the State and local funds it would have received in the absence of funds received under this section.

    (c) Allocation of school improvement funds to LEAs.

    (1) A State must review, in a timely manner, an LEA application for school improvement funds that meets the requirements of this section.

    (2) In awarding school improvement funds under this section, a State must -

    (i) Award the funds on a competitive or formula basis;

    (ii) Make each award of sufficient size, with a minimum award of $500,000 per year for each school identified for comprehensive support and improvement to be served and a minimum award of $50,000 per year for each school identified for targeted support and improvement to be served, to support the LEA to effectively implement all requirements for a support and improvement plan under § 200.21 or § 200.22, as applicable, including selected evidence-based interventions, except that a State may determine that an award of less than the minimum award amount is appropriate if, based on each school's enrollment, identified needs, selected evidence-based interventions, and other relevant factors described in the LEA's application on behalf of the school, that such lesser amount will be sufficient to support effective implementation of such plan; and

    (iii) Make awards not to exceed four years, which may include a planning year consistent with paragraph (b)(9) of this section during which the LEA must plan to carry out activities that will be supported with school improvement funds by, at the latest, the beginning of the school year following the school year for which the school was identified, and that will support the successful implementation of interventions required under §§ 200.21 or 200.22, as applicable.

    (3) If a State permits an LEA to have a planning year for a school under paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, prior to renewing the LEA's school improvement award with respect to such school, the State must review the performance of the LEA in supporting such school during the planning year against the LEA's approved application and determine that the LEA will be able to ensure such school fully implements the activities and interventions that will be supported with school improvement funds by the beginning of the school year following the planning year.

    (4) If a State has insufficient school improvement funds to award a grant of sufficient size to each LEA that submits an approvable application consistent with paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the State must, whether awarding funds through a formula or competition -

    (i) Award funds to an LEA to serve a school identified for comprehensive support and improvement before awarding funds to an LEA to serve a school identified for targeted support and improvement;

    (ii) Give priority in funding to an LEA that demonstrates the greatest need for such funds, as determined by the State, and based, at a minimum, on -

    (A) The number or percentage of elementary and secondary schools in the LEA implementing plans under §§ 200.21 or 200.22;

    (B) The State's review of resources available among and within LEAs under § 200.23(a); and

    (C) Current academic achievement and student outcomes in the school or schools the LEA is proposing to serve.

    (iii) Give priority in funding to an LEA that demonstrates the strongest commitment to use such funds to enable the lowest-performing schools to improve academic achievement and student outcomes, taking into consideration, with respect to the school or schools to be served -

    (A) The proposed use of evidence-based interventions that are supported by the strongest level of evidence available and sufficient to support the school in making progress toward meeting exit criteria under § 200.21 or § 200.22; and

    (B) Commitment to family and community engagement.

    (iv) Take into consideration geographic diversity within the State.

    (d) State responsibilities.

    (1) In its State plan under section 1111 of the Act, each State must describe how it will -

    (i) Award school improvement funds to LEAs, consistent with paragraph (c) of this section;

    (ii) Monitor the use of funds by LEAs receiving school improvement funds;

    (iii) Evaluate the use of school improvement funds by LEAs receiving such funds including by, at a minimum -

    (A) Engaging in ongoing efforts to analyze the impact of the evidence-based interventions implemented using funds allocated under this section on student outcomes or other relevant outcomes; and

    (B) Disseminating on a regular basis the State's findings on the impact of the evidence-based interventions to LEAs with schools identified under § 200.19;

    (iv) Prior to renewing an LEA's award of school improvement funds with respect to a particular school each year and consistent with paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section, determine that -

    (A) The school is making progress on the State's long-term goals and measurements of interim progress and accountability indicators under §§ 200.13 and 200.14; and

    (B) The school is implementing evidence-based interventions with fidelity to the LEA's application and the requirements under §§ 200.21 or 200.22, as applicable; and

    (v) As appropriate, reduce barriers and provide operational flexibility for each school in an LEA receiving funds under this section, including flexibility around school budgeting and staffing.

    (2) A State may -

    (i) Set aside up to five percent of the school improvement funds the State reserves under section 1003(a) of the Act to carry out the activities under paragraph (d)(1) of this section; and

    (ii) Directly provide for school improvement activities funded under this section or arrange for their provision in a school through external partners such as school support teams, educational service agencies, or nonprofit or for-profit entities with expertise and a record of success in implementing evidence-based strategies to improve student achievement, instruction, and schools if the State has the authority under State law to take over the school or, if the State does not have such authority, with LEA approval with respect to each such school, and -

    (A) The State undertakes a rigorous review process in recruiting, screening, selecting, and evaluating any external partner the State uses to carry out activities directly with school improvement funds; and

    (B) The external provider has demonstrated success implementing the evidence-based intervention or interventions that are based on strong, moderate, or promising evidence consistent with section 8101(21)(A) of the Act that it will implement.

    (e) Reporting. The State must include on its State report card required under section 1111(h)(1) of the Act a list of all LEAs, and schools served by such LEAs, that received funds under this section, including the amount of funds each LEA received to serve each such school and the types of interventions implemented in each such school with the funds.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0581)

    [81 FR 86234, Nov. 29, 2016]