§ 403.160 - What activities does the Secretary support under the Comprehensive Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?  

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  • § 403.160 What activities does the Secretary support under the Comprehensive Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?

    (a) The State shall conduct, in accordance with its State plan, from its allotment for this program, career guidance and counseling projects, services, and activities that are -

    (1) Organized and administered by certified counselors; and

    (2) Designed to improve, expand, and extend career guidance and counseling programs to meet the career development, vocational education, and employment needs of vocational education students and potential students.

    (b) The purposes of the projects, services, and activities described in paragraph (a) of this section must be to -

    (1) Assist individuals to -

    (i) Acquire self-assessment, career planning, career decision-making, and employability skills;

    (ii) Make the transition from education and training to work;

    (iii) Maintain the marketability of their current job skills in established occupations;

    (iv) Develop new skills to move away from declining occupational fields and enter new and emerging fields in high-technology areas and fields experiencing skill shortages;

    (v) Develop mid-career job search skills and to clarify career goals; and

    (vi) Obtain and use information on financial assistance for postsecondary and vocational education, and job training; and


    (i) Encourage the elimination of sex, age, disabling conditions, and race bias and stereotyping;

    (ii) Provide for community outreach;

    (iii) Enlist the collaboration of the family, the community, business, industry, and labor; and

    (iv) Be accessible to all segments of the population, including women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged individuals.

    (c) The projects, services, and activities described in paragraph (a) of this section must consist of -

    (1) Instructional activities and other services at all educational levels to help students develop the skills described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section;

    (2) Services and activities designed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of career guidance and counseling projects such as -

    (i) Counselor education, including the education of counselors working with individuals with limited English proficiency;

    (ii) Training support personnel;

    (iii) Curriculum development;

    (iv) Research and demonstration projects;

    (v) Experimental projects;

    (vi) The development of instructional materials;

    (vii) The acquisition of equipment;

    (viii) State and local leadership;

    (ix) The development of career information delivery systems; and

    (x) Local administration, including supervision;

    (xi) State administration, including supervision, subject to § 403.161(c);

    (3) Projects that provide opportunities for counselors to obtain firsthand experience in business and industry; and

    (4) Projects that provide students with an opportunity to become acquainted with business, industry, the labor market, and training opportunities, including secondary educational programs that -

    (i) Have at least one characteristic of an apprenticeable occupation as recognized by the Department of Labor or the State Apprenticeship Agency, in accordance with the National Apprenticeship Act (29 U.S.C. 50);

    (ii) Are conducted in concert with local business, industry, labor, and other appropriate apprenticeship training entities; and

    (iii) Are designed to prepare participants for an apprenticeable occupation or provide information concerning apprenticeable occupations and their prerequisites.