§ 1150.42 - Citations.  

Latest version.
  • § 1150.42 Citations.

    (a) If there appears to be a failure or threatened failure to comply with a relevant standard, and the noncompliance or threatened noncompliance cannot be corrected or resolved by informal means under § 1150.41, the Executive Director on behalf of the A&TBCB may issue a written citation, requesting the ordering of relief necessary to ensure compliance with the standards or guidelines and requirements. The relief may include the suspension or withholding of funds and/or specific corrective action.

    (b) The citation shall be served upon all interested parties, as appropriate, including but not limited to the complainant, the agency having custody, control, or use of the building or facility, and the agency funding by contract, grant, or loan, the allegedly noncomplying building or facility.

    (c) The citation shall contain:

    (1) A concise jurisdictional statement reciting the provisions of section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act and Architectural Barriers Act under which the requested action may be taken,

    (2) a short and plain basis for requesting the imposition of the sanctions,

    (3) a statement either that within fifteen (15) days a hearing date will be set or that the agency or affected parties may request a hearing within fifteen (15) days from service of the citation, and

    (4) a list of all pertinent documents necessary for the judge to make a decision on the alleged noncompliance, including but not limited to, contracts, invitations for bids, specifications, contract or grant drawings, and correspondence.

    (d) The Executive Director shall file copies of all pertinent documents listed in the citation simultaneously with filing the citation.