Subpart A - Veteran Readiness and Employment  

Monetary Assistance Services
§ 21.260 - Subsistence allowance.
§ 21.262 - Procurement and reimbursement of cost for training and rehabilitation services, supplies, or facilities.
§ 21.264 - Election of payment at the 38 U.S.C. chapter 30 educational assistance rate or election of payment of Post-9/11 subsistence allowance.
§ 21.266 - Payment of subsistence allowance under special conditions.
§ 21.268 - Employment adjustment allowance.
§ 21.270 - Payment of subsistence allowance during leave and other periods.
§ 21.272 - Veteran-student services.
§ 21.274 - Revolving fund loan.
§ 21.276 - Incarcerated veterans.
Personnel Training and Development
§ 21.380 - Establishment of qualifications for personnel providing assistance under Chapter 31.
§ 21.382 - Training and staff development for personnel providing assistance under Chapter 31.
Basic Entitlement
Veteran Readiness and Employment Overview
§ 21.1 - Training and rehabilitation for veterans with service-connected disabilities.
Informing the Veteran
§ 21.420 - Informing the veteran.
§ 21.422 - Reduction in subsistence allowance following the loss of a dependent.
§ 21.430 - Accountability for authorization and payment of training and rehabilitation services.
Duration of Rehabilitation Programs
§ 21.70 - Vocational rehabilitation.
§ 21.72 - Rehabilitation to the point of employability.
§ 21.73 - Duration of employment assistance programs.
§ 21.74 - Extended evaluation.
§ 21.76 - Independent living.
§ 21.78 - Approving more than 48 months of rehabilitation.
§ 21.79 - Determining entitlement usage under Chapter 31.
Medical and Related Services
§ 21.240 - Medical treatment, care and services.
§ 21.242 - Resources for provision of treatment, care and services.
Employment Services
§ 21.250 - Overview of employment services.
§ 21.252 - Job development and placement services.
§ 21.254 - Supportive services.
§ 21.256 - Incentives for employers.
§ 21.257 - Self-employment.
§ 21.258 - Cost limitations on approval of self-employment plans.
Case Status
§ 21.180 - Case status system.
§ 21.182 - “Applicant” status.
§ 21.184 - “Evaluation and planning” status.
§ 21.186 - “Ineligible” status.
§ 21.188 - “Extended evaluation” status.
§ 21.190 - “Rehabilitation to the point of employability” status.
§ 21.192 - “Independent living program” status.
§ 21.194 - “Employment services” status.
§ 21.196 - “Rehabilitated” status.
§ 21.197 - “Interrupted” status.
§ 21.198 - “Discontinued” status.
Authorization of Subsistence Allowance and Training and Rehabilitation Services
§ 21.320 - Awards for subsistence allowance and authorization of rehabilitation services.
§ 21.322 - Commencing dates of subsistence allowance.
§ 21.324 - Reduction or termination dates of subsistence allowance.
§ 21.326 - Authorization of employment services.
§ 21.328 - Two veteran cases - dependents.
§ 21.330 - Apportionment.
§ 21.332 - Payments of subsistence allowance.
§ 21.334 - Election of payment at the Chapter 30 rate.
Entering a Rehabilitation Program
Vocational Rehabilitation Overview
Interregional and Intraregional Travel of Veterans
§ 21.370 - Intraregional travel at government expense.
§ 21.372 - Interregional transfer at government expense.
§ 21.374 - Authorization for travel of attendants.
§ 21.376 - Travel expenses for initial evaluation and counseling.
Additional Administrative Consideration
§ 21.410 - Delegation of authority.
§ 21.412 - Finality of decisions.
§ 21.414 - Revision of decision.
§ 21.416 - xxx
Vocational Rehabilitation Panel
§ 21.60 - Vocational Rehabilitation Panel.
§ 21.62 - Duties of the Vocational Rehabilitation Panel.
Veterans' Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation
§ 21.400 - Veterans' Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation.
§ 21.402 - Responsibilities of the Veterans' Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation Research and Special Projects
§ 21.390 - Rehabilitation research and special projects.
Independent Living Services
§ 21.160 - Independent living services.
§ 21.162 - Participation in a program of independent living services.
Course Approval and Facility Selection
§ 21.290 - Training and rehabilitation resources.
§ 21.292 - Course approvals.
§ 21.294 - Selecting the training or rehabilitation facility.
§ 21.296 - Selecting a training establishment for on-job training.
§ 21.298 - Selecting a farm.
§ 21.299 - Use of Government facilities for on-job training or work experience at no or nominal pay.
§ 21.100 - Counseling.
Initial and Extended Evaluation
§ 21.50 - Initial evaluation.
§ 21.51 - Determining employment handicap.
§ 21.52 - Determining serious employment handicap.
§ 21.53 - Reasonable feasibility of achieving a vocational goal.
§ 21.57 - Extended evaluation.
§ 21.58 - Redetermination of employment handicap and serious employment handicap.
§ 21.59 - Review and appeal of decisions on eligibility and entitlement.
§ 21.40 - Basic entitlement to vocational rehabilitation benefits and services.
§ 21.35 - Definitions.
Periods of Eligibility
§ 21.41 - Basic period of eligibility.
§ 21.42 - Deferral or extension of the basic period of eligibility.
§ 21.44 - Extension of the basic period of eligibility for a veteran with a serious employment handicap.
§ 21.45 - Extending the period of eligibility for a program of independent living beyond basic period of eligibility.
§ 21.46 - Veteran ordered to active duty; extension of basic period of eligibility.
§ 21.47 - Eligibility for employment assistance.
§ 21.48 - Severance of service-connection - reduction to noncompensable degree.
Special Rehabilitation Services
§ 21.140 - Evaluation and improvement of rehabilitation potential.
§ 21.142 - Adult basic education.
§ 21.144 - Vocational course in a sheltered workshop or rehabilitation facility.
§ 21.146 - Independent instructor course.
§ 21.148 - Tutorial assistance.
§ 21.150 - Reader service.
§ 21.152 - Interpreter service for the hearing impaired.
§ 21.154 - Special transportation assistance.
§ 21.155 - Services to a veteran's family.
§ 21.156 - Other incidental goods and services.
Educational and Vocational Training Services
§ 21.120 - Educational and vocational training services.
§ 21.122 - School course.
§ 21.123 - On-job course.
§ 21.124 - Combination course.
§ 21.126 - Farm cooperative course.
§ 21.128 - Independent study course.
§ 21.129 - Home study course.
§ 21.130 - Educational and vocational courses outside the United States.
§ 21.132 - Repetition of the course.
§ 21.134 - Limitation on flight training.
§ 21.210 - Supplies.
§ 21.212 - General policy in furnishing supplies during periods of rehabilitation.
§ 21.214 - Furnishing supplies for special programs.
§ 21.216 - Special equipment.
§ 21.218 - Methods of furnishing supplies.
§ 21.219 - Supplies consisting of clothing, magazines and periodicals, and items which may be personally used by the veteran.
§ 21.220 - Replacement of supplies.
§ 21.222 - Release of, and repayment for, training and rehabilitation supplies.
§ 21.224 - Prevention of abuse.
Leaves of Absence
§ 21.340 - Introduction.
§ 21.342 - Leave accounting policy.
§ 21.344 - Facility offering training or rehabilitation services.
§ 21.346 - Facility temporarily not offering training or rehabilitation services.
§ 21.348 - Leave following completion of a period of training or rehabilitation services.
§ 21.350 - Unauthorized absences.
Veterans Employment Pay for Success Grant Program
§ 21.440 - Purpose and scope.
§ 21.441 - Definitions.
§ 21.442 - VEPFS grants - general.
§ 21.443 - Permissible uses of VEPFS grant funds.
§ 21.444 - Notice of funding availability.
§ 21.445 - Application.
§ 21.446 - Scoring and selection.
§ 21.447 - VEPFS grant agreement.
§ 21.448 - Recipient reporting requirements.
§ 21.449 - Recovery of funds.
Rate of Pursuit
§ 21.310 - Rate of pursuit of a rehabilitation program.
§ 21.312 - Reduced work tolerance.
§ 21.314 - Pursuit of training under special conditions.
Induction Into a Rehabilitation Program
§ 21.282 - Effective date of induction into a rehabilitation program; retroactive induction.
§ 21.283 - Rehabilitated.
§ 21.284 - Reentrance into a rehabilitation program.
Individualized Written Rehabilitation Plan
§ 21.80 - Requirement for a rehabilitation plan.
§ 21.82 - Completing the plan under Chapter 31.
§ 21.84 - Individualized written rehabilitation plan.
§ 21.86 - Individualized extended evaluation plan.
§ 21.88 - Individualized employment assistance plan.
§ 21.90 - Individualized independent living plan.
§ 21.92 - Preparation of the plan.
§ 21.94 - Changing the plan.
§ 21.96 - Review of the plan.
§ 21.98 - Appeal of disagreement regarding development of, or change in, the plan.
Conduct and Cooperation
§ 21.362 - Satisfactory conduct and cooperation.
§ 21.364 - Unsatisfactory conduct and cooperation.
§ 21.21 - Election of benefits under education programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
§ 21.22 - Nonduplication - Federal programs.
§ 21.30 - Claims.
§ 21.31 - Informal claim.
§ 21.32 - Notification by VA of necessary information or evidence when a claim is filed; time for claimant response and VA action.
§ 21.33 - VA has a duty to assist claimants in obtaining evidence.