Subpart G - Procedures for RCRA Standardized Permit

Opportunities for Public Involvement in the Standardized Permit Process
§ 124.207 - What are the requirements for public notices?
§ 124.208 - What are the opportunities for public comments and hearings on draft permit decisions?
§ 124.209 - What are the requirements for responding to comments?
§ 124.210 - May I, as an interested party in the permit process, appeal a final standardized permit?
Maintaining a Standardized Permit
§ 124.211 - What types of changes may I make to my standardized permit?
§ 124.212 - What procedures must I follow to make routine changes?
§ 124.213 - What procedures must I follow to make routine changes with prior approval?
§ 124.214 - What procedures must I follow to make significant changes?
Applying for a Standardized Permit
§ 124.202 - How do I as a facility owner or operator apply for a standardized permit?
§ 124.203 - How may I switch from my individual RCRA permit to a standardized permit?
Issuing a Standardized Permit
§ 124.204 - What must I do as the Director of the regulatory agency to prepare a draft standardized permit?
§ 124.205 - What must I do as the Director of the regulatory agency to prepare a final standardized permit?
§ 124.206 - In what situations may I require a facility owner or operator to apply for an individual permit?
General Information About Standardized Permits
§ 124.200 - What is a RCRA standardized permit?
§ 124.201 - Who is eligible for a standardized permit?