Subpart G - Criteria for Modifying the Secondary Treatment Requirements Under Section 301(h) of the Clean Water Act  

§ 125.56 - Scope and purpose.
§ 125.57 - Law governing issuance of a section 301(h) modified permit.
§ 125.58 - Definitions.
§ 125.59 - General.
§ 125.60 - Primary or equivalent treatment requirements.
§ 125.61 - Existence of and compliance with applicable water quality standards.
§ 125.62 - Attainment or maintenance of water quality which assures protection of public water supplies; assures the protection and propagation of a balanced indigenous population of shellfish, fish, and wildlife; and allows recreational activities.
§ 125.63 - Establishment of a monitoring program.
§ 125.64 - Effect of the discharge on other point and nonpoint sources.
§ 125.65 - Urban area pretreatment program.
§ 125.66 - Toxics control program.
§ 125.67 - Increase in effluent volume or amount of pollutants discharged.
§ 125.68 - Special conditions for section 301(h) modified permits.
Appendix to Subpart G of Part 125 - Applicant Questionnaire for Modification of Secondary Treatment Requirements