Subpart C - Procedures for Determining Comparability Between Candidate Methods and Reference Methods  

§ 53.30 - General provisions.
§ 53.31 - [Reserved]
§ 53.32 - Test procedures for methods for SO2, CO, O3, and NO2.
§ 53.33 - Test Procedure for Methods for Lead (Pb).
§ 53.34 - Test procedure for methods for PM10 and Class I methods for PM 2.5.
§ 53.35 - Test procedure for Class II and Class III methods for PM 2.5 and PM -2.5.
Table C-2 to Subpart C - Sequence of Test Measurements
Table C-3 to Subpart C - Test Specifications for Lead Methods
Table C-4 to Subpart C - Test Specifications for PM10 and PM2.5 Methods
Figure C-1 to Subpart C - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results
Appendix A to Subpart C - References
Table C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Test Concentration Ranges, Number of Measurements Required, and Maximum Discrepancy Specifications
Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Sequence of Test Measurements
Table C-3 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Test Specifications for Pb in TSP and Pb in PM 10 Methods
Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53 - —Test Specifications for PM 10, PM 2.5 and PM 10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods
Table C-5 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Summary of Comparability Field Testing Campaign Site and Seasonal Requirements for Class II and III FEMs for PM 10-2.5 and PM 2.5
Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2
Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM 2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods
Figure C-3 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM 10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods
Figure C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53 - Illustration of the Minimum Limits for Correlation Coefficient for PM 2.5 and PM 10-2.5 Class II and III Methods
Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 53 - References