§ 1065.1005 - Symbols, abbreviations, acronyms, and units of measure.  

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  • § 1065.1005 Symbols, abbreviations, acronyms, and units of measure.

    The procedures in this part generally follow the International System of Units (SI), as detailed in NIST Special Publication 811, which we incorporate by reference in § 1065.1010. See § 1065.20 for specific provisions related to these conventions. This section summarizes the way we use symbols, units of measure, and other abbreviations.

    (a) Symbols for quantities. This part uses the following symbols and units of measure for various quantities:

    Table 1 of § 1065.1005 - Symbols —Symbols for Quantities

    Symbol Quantity Unit Unit symbol Units in terms of SI base units
    α atomic hydrogen-to-carbon ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
    A areasquare meterm2 m2.
    a0 intercept of least squares regression
    a1 slope of least squares regression
    ag acceleration of Earth's gravitymeter per square secondm/s2 m· s2.
    β ratio of diametersmeter per meterm/m1.
    β atomic oxygen-to-carbon ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
    C# number of carbon atoms in a molecule
    c power-specific carbon mass error coefficientgram per kilowatt-hourg/(kW·hr)3.61 · 109 · m2 · s2.
    Cd discharge coefficient
    Cf flow coefficient
    δ atomic nitrogen-to-carbon ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
    d diametermetermm.
    d power-specific carbon mass rate absolute error coefficentgram per kilowatt-hourg/(kW·hr)3.61 · 109 · m2 · s2.
    DR dilution ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
    ε error between a quantity and its reference
    difference or error quantity
    e brake-specific emission or fuel consumptiongram per kilowatt hourg/(kW·hr)3.61 · 109 · m2 · s2.
    F F-test statistic
    ƒn angular speed (shaft)revolutions per minuter/minπ · 301 · s1.
    γratio of specific heats(joule per kilogram kelvin) per (joule per kilogram kelvin)(J/(kg·K))/(J/(kg·K))1.
    γatomic sulfur-to-carbon ratiomole per molemol/mol1.
    κ opacity
    K correction factor1.
    Kv calibration coefficientm4 · s · K0.5/kgm4 · kg1 · s · K0.5.
    l lengthmetermm.
    L limit
    µ viscosity, dynamicpascal secondPa·sm1 · kg · s1.
    M molar mass 1 gram per moleg/mol103 · kg · mol1.
    m masskilogramkgkg.
    mass ratekilogram per secondkg/skg · s1.
    v viscosity, kinematicmeter squared per secondm2/sm2 · s1.
    N total number in series
    n amount of substancemolemolmol.
    amount of substance ratemole per secondmol/smol · s1.
    P powerkilowattkW103 · m2 · kg · s3.
    PF penetration fraction
    p pressurepascalPam1 · kg · s2.
    ρ mass densitykilogram per cubic meterkg/m3 m3 · kg.
    Δ p differential static pressurepascalPam1 · kg · s2.
    r ratio of pressurespascal per pascalPa/Pa1.
    r 2 coefficient of determination
    Ra average surface roughnessmicrometerµm106 · m.
    Re# Reynolds number
    RF response factor
    RH relative humidity
    σ non-biased standard deviation
    S Sutherland constantkelvinKK.
    SEE standard error of the estimate
    T absolute temperaturekelvinKK.
    T Celsius temperaturedegree Celsius °CK−273.15.
    T torque (moment of force)newton meterN·mm2 · kg · s2.
    θ plane angledegrees°rad.
    t timesecondss.
    Δ t time interval, period, 1/frequencysecondss.
    V volumecubic meterm3 m3.
    volume ratecubic meter per secondm3/sm3 · s1.
    W workkilowatt-hourkW·hr3.6 · 106 · m2 · kg · s2.
    wC carbon mass fractiongram per gramg/g1.
    x amount of substance mole fraction.2 mole per molemol/mol1.
    flow-weighted mean concentrationmole per molemol/mol1.
    y generic variable
    Z compressibility factor

    (b) Symbols for chemical species. This part uses the following symbols for chemical species and exhaust constituents:

    Table 2 of § 1065.1005—Symbols for Chemical Species and Exhaust Constituents

    Symbol Species
    CH2O2 formic acid.
    CH4 methane.
    C2H6 ethane.
    C3H8 propane.
    C4H10 butane.
    C5H12 pentane.
    COcarbon monoxide.
    CO2 carbon dioxide.
    Hatomic hydrogen.
    H2 molecular hydrogen.
    H2SO4 sulfuric acid.
    85Krkrypton 85.
    N2 molecular nitrogen.
    NH3 ammonia.
    NMHCnonmethane hydrocarbon.
    NMHCEnonmethane hydrocarbon equivalent.
    NMNEHCnonmethane-nonethane hydrocarbon.
    NOnitric oxide.
    NO2 nitrogen dioxide.
    NOX oxides of nitrogen.
    N2Onitrous oxide.
    NMOGnonmethane organic gases.
    NONMHCnon-oxygenated nonmethane hydrocarbon.
    NOTHCnon-oxygenated total hydrocarbon.
    O2 molecular oxygen.
    OHCoxygenated hydrocarbon.
    210Popolonium 210.
    PMparticulate matter.
    SVOCsemi-volatile organic compound.
    THCtotal hydrocarbon.
    THCEtotal hydrocarbon equivalent.
    ZrO2 zirconium dioxide.

    (c) Prefixes. This part uses the following prefixes for units and unit symbols:

    Table 3 of § 1065.1005 - Prefixes —Prefixes

    Symbol Prefix name Factor

    (d) Superscripts . This part uses the following superscripts for modifying quantity symbols:

    Table 4 of § 1065.1005 - Superscripts —Superscripts

    Superscript Meaning
    overbar (such as )arithmetic mean.
    overdot (such as )quantity per unit time.

    (e) Subscripts . This part uses the following subscripts for modifying quantity symbols:

    Table 5 of § 1065.1005 - Subscripts —Subscripts

    Subscript Meaning
    aabsolute (e.g., absolute difference or error).
    absabsolute quantity.
    actactual condition.
    airair, dry.
    Ccarbon mass.
    calcalibration quantity.
    CFVcritical flow venturi.
    compcomposite value.
    corcorrected quantity.
    dildilution air.
    dexhdiluted exhaust.
    drydry condition.
    dutycycleduty cycle.
    related to a difference or error quantity.
    exhraw exhaust.
    expexpected quantity.
    fluidfluid stream.
    fnfeedback speed.
    fuelfuel consumption.
    hi,idlecondition at high-idle.
    ian individual of a series.
    idlecondition at idle.
    inquantity in.
    initinitial quantity, typically before an emission test.
    intintake air.
    jan individual of a series.
    mappedconditions over which an engine can operate.
    maxthe maximum (i.e., peak) value expected at the standard over a test interval; not the maximum of an instrument range.
    measmeasured quantity.
    mediaPM sample media.
    mixmixture of diluted exhaust and air.
    outquantity out.
    partpartial quantity.
    PDPpositive-displacement pump.
    postafter the test interval.
    prebefore the test interval.
    prodstoichiometric product.
    rrelative (e.g., relative difference or error).
    raterate (divided by time).
    recordrecord rate.
    refreference quantity.
    satsaturated condition.
    spanspan quantity.
    SSVsubsonic venturi.
    stdstandard condition.
    strokeengine strokes per power stroke.
    testtest quantity.
    test,altalternate test quantity.
    uncoruncorrected quantity.
    vacvacuum side of the sampling system.
    weightcalibration weight.
    zerozero quantity

    (f) Constants.

    (1) This part uses the following constants for the composition of dry air:

    Table 6 of § 1065.1005—Constants

    Symbol Quantity mol/mol
    xγArair amount of argon in dry air0.00934
    xγCO2air amount of carbon dioxide in dry air0.000375
    xγN2air amount of nitrogen in dry air0.78084
    xγO2air amount of oxygen in dry air0.209445

    (2) This part uses the following molar masses or effective molar masses of chemical species:

    Table 7 of § 1065.1005 - Molar —Molar Masses

    Symbol Quantity g/mol
    Mair molar mass of dry air 1 28.96559
    MAr molar mass of argon39.948
    MC molar mass of carbon12.0107
    MCH3OH molar mass of methanol32.04186
    MC2H5OH molar mass of ethanol46.06844
    MC2H4O molar mass of acetaldehyde44.05256
    MCH4N2O molar mass of urea60.05526
    MC2H6 molar mass of ethane30.06904
    MC3H8 molar mass of propane44.09562
    MC3H7OH molar mass of propanol60.09502
    MCO molar mass of carbon monoxide28.0101
    MCH4 molar mass of methane16.0425
    MCO2 molar mass of carbon dioxide44.0095
    MH molar mass of atomic hydrogen1.00794
    MH2 molar mass of molecular hydrogen2.01588
    MH2O molar mass of water18.01528
    MCH2O molar mass of formaldehyde30.02598
    MHe molar mass of helium4.002602
    MN molar mass of atomic nitrogen14.0067
    MN2 molar mass of molecular nitrogen28.0134
    MNH3 molar mass of ammonia17.03052
    MNMHC effective C1 molar mass of nonmethane hydrocarbon 2 13.875389
    MNMHCE effective C1 molar mass of nonmethane hydrocarbon equivalent 2 13.875389
    MNMNEHC effective C1 molar mass of nonmethane-nonethane hydrocarbon 2 13.875389
    MNOx effective molar mass of oxides of nitrogen 3 46.0055
    MN2O molar mass of nitrous oxide44.0128
    MO molar mass of atomic oxygen15.9994
    MO2 molar mass of molecular oxygen31.9988
    MS molar mass of sulfur32.065
    MTHC effective C1 molar mass of total hydrocarbon 2 13.875389
    MTHCE effective C1 molar mass of total hydrocarbon equivalent 2 13.875389

    (3) This part uses the following molar gas constant for ideal gases:

    Table 8 of § 1065.1005—Molar Gas Constant for Ideal Gases

    Symbol Quantity J/(mol · Kmol·K)
    (m2 · kg · s−2 · mol−1 · K−1·kg·s2·mol1·K1)
    R molar gas constant8.314472

    (4) This part uses the following ratios of specific heats for dilution air and diluted exhaust:

    Table 9 of § 1065.1005—Ratios of Specific Heats for Dilution Air and Diluted Exhaust

    Symbol Quantity [J/(kg · Kkg·K)]/[J/(kg · Kkg·K)]
    γair ratio of specific heats for intake air or dilution air1.399
    γdil ratio of specific heats for diluted exhaust1.399
    γexh ratio of specific heats for raw exhaust1.385

    (g) Other acronyms and abbreviations. This part uses the following additional abbreviations and acronyms:

    Table 10 of § 1065.1005 - Other —Other Acronyms and Abbreviations

    Acronym Meaning
    ASTMASTM International.
    BMDbag mini-diluter.
    BSFCbrake-specific fuel consumption.
    CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board.
    CFRCode of Federal Regulations.
    CFVcritical-flow venturi.
    CITTCurb Idle Transmission Torque.
    CLDchemiluminescent detector.
    CVSconstant-volume sampler.
    DEFdiesel exhaust fluid.
    DFdeterioration factor.
    ECMelectronic control module.
    EFCelectronic flow control.
    e.g. exempli gratia, for example.
    EGRexhaust gas recirculation.
    EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency.
    FELFamily Emission Limit.
    FIDflame-ionization detector.
    FTIRFourier transform infrared.
    GCgas chromatograph.
    GC-ECDGC–ECDgas chromatograph with an electron-capture detector.
    GC-FIDGC–FIDgas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector.
    HEPAhigh-efficiency particulate air.
    IBPinitial boiling point.
    IBRincorporated by reference.
    i.e. id est, in other words.
    ISOInternational Organization for Standardization.
    LPGliquefied petroleum gas.
    MPDmagnetopneumatic detection.
    NDIRnondispersive infrared.
    NDUVnondispersive ultraviolet.
    NISTNational Institute for Standards and Technology.
    NMCnonmethane cutter.
    PDPpositive-displacement pump.
    PEMSportable emission measurement system.
    PFDpartial-flow dilution.
    PLOTporous layer open tubular.
    PMDparamagnetic detection.
    pt.a single point at the mean value expected at the standard.
    psipounds per square inch.
    PTFEpolytetrafluoroethylene (commonly known as TeflonTM).
    RErounding error.
    RESSrechargeable energy storage system.
    RFPFresponse factor penetration fraction.
    RMCramped-modal cycle.
    rmsroot-mean square.
    RTDresistive temperature detector.
    SAWsurface acoustic wave.
    SEEstandard error of the estimate.
    SSVsubsonic venturi.
    THC-FIDTHC–FIDtotal hydrocarbon flame ionization detector.
    TINVinverse student t-test function in Microsoft Excel.
    UCLupper confidence limit.
    UFMultrasonic flow meter.
    U.S.C.United States Code

    [79 FR 23815, Apr. 28, 2014, as amended at 81 FR 74191, Oct. 25, 2016; 86 FR 34575, June 29, 2021; 87 FR 64866, Oct. 26, 2022; 88 FR 4689, Jan. 24, 2023]